Mysterious games and mystery guys

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"This is not a drinking game, this is suicide! How exactly did you hear about this "game" again?" Cara exclaims doubtfully as one of the boys' mates, Tyler, sets up his suggested drinking game.

It's God knows what time in the morning and the guests eventually started trailing home from the party once the temperature began to drop. We did the brief clearing up that needed to be done tonight and then all the teenagers headed into the front room, pushed the furniture up against the walls and decided to warm down the night in here with some good ol' fashioned drinking games. Luckily Nicki left some time ago after a few desperate attempted gropes at Eli, Jeremy took one for the team and being a gentleman, shoved her into a taxi to make sure she got home safe.

Right now the boys are helping set up Tyler's crazy drinking game that apparantly doesn't have a name yet. Great. That's reassuring. So far it consists of laying the empty champagne bottle on its side in the middle of the room and surrounding it with dozens of various glasses, all shapes and sizes and filled with all different, mysterious concoctions of alcohol.

"So its basically like spin the bottle 2.0," he starts with a grin, "we take it in turns spinning and you have to swallow your pride and down whatever drink it lands on."

"Wow, awesome opportunity for the slip of the date rape drug," Eli comments dryly with raised eyebrows.

"Bro seriously? We're not at a fraternity kegger," Cara retorts, bunching up her skirts and obediently kneeling in front of Tyler's proud work of art.

"Yeah, I mean do you see Brock Turner anywhere?" Jeremy comments, shaking his head with a savage smile.

"Oh what the hell," Samantha laughs, sitting down next to Cara and enthusiastically pulling me with her.

"Wow, not to be sexist but they've got bigger balls than you guys," Tyler chants at the rest of the guys in the room who reluctantly follow suit and sit down in the circle.

He eagerly ushers a few more remaining party goers into the room and shuts the door firmly behind them. Everyone settles comfortably around the game and Tyler continues to explain the rules.

"Okay lemme go first! I am the birthday girl," Cara insists, holding her arms up as Tyler nods concedingly and reaches over to steadily spin the bottle with some serious force.

"What the fuck even is that?" Cara coughs once the bottle assigns the first drink of the game and Jeremy passes her a bright blue liquid that looks like it's straight out of The Hunger Games.

"Your last birthday present of the day," I laugh as she narrows her eyes at me.

"Ok ... ok!" Cara shouts with self motivation before squeezing her eyes shut and downing the drink as fast as she can. "Wow, remind me to get a bottle of this next time we need to strip any wallpaper!"

"Ok, my turn!" Samantha trills, crawling over to spin the bottle and much to Tyler's delight, flashing a substantial amount of cleavage as she does.

She spins and as everyone could have predicted, ultimately groans when her spin lands on a mysterious looking pale liquid. Funny how anything can become so terrifying when it's anonymously labelled. Like a true trooper though, she follows the allotted rules and drains her cup in one simple head tilt.

We continue the game for an unknown amount of time as we all take our turns and soon each get more and more drunk until there's only one cup left. Luckily it's my turn again.

"Ok!" I announce slurring slightly as I reach down and take the cup. I suppose there's not really much point in spinning again.

Downing what I soon find out is straight tequila, I slam the cup back down and wipe my mouth whilst fighting to hold back a very unattractive burp.

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now