Opening Night Nerves

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*Picture of Dani on opening night*

"I know it sounds far fetched and I know that Mason - as you said - has friends that sometimes go to far with pranks but I'm telling you that something just doesn't seem right!" I exclaim to Cara for the hundredth time.

"Seriously Dani, I know my uncle and if there's a serious problem or he's in any real trouble then he'll already be dealing with it," Cara reassures calmly for the hundred and first time as she carries on stitching one of the dresses she's been working on all summer.

"I get it, I should stay out of your family business, I just don't want to regret not saying anything," I argue back, fiddling with one of the balls of thread that surround her.

"Dani, you know you guys are family," she says in her teacher voice, "look if this is what's really on your mind then I'll ask my mum if she knows anything and make sure everything's ok. At worst it's probably just some contractor that he's had an argument with."

"Yeah," I agree unsurely, feeling somewhat reassured, "wait what do you mean if this is what's "really on my mind"?" I ask, turning demandingly as she crosses the room to grab something from her desk.

"Well, could this strung up tension that's created crazy Dani these past few days have anything to do with the fact that Eli's coming home today? I mean it has been over a week since you've seen him?" She suggests gently.

"Hey, calm down with the "crazy"," I defend with a mock crazy face, "and why would I be nervous, we're fine."

"And apparently suffering with amnesia?" She laughs back, "look if this is about what happened with Josh the other night then I get it."

"Wait how do you know about that?!"

"Well in all fairness you've just confirmed my suspicions," she laughs again giving me a sympathetic look, "oh come on, you guys made it so obvious at the party. The only mystery is why you didn't tell me about it before I had to figure it out?"

"I wanted to Car ... I just didn't want to upset you or put you in the middle of anything," I hesitate, "plus ... I don't even know how I feel about it myself."

"You're still not over Eli are you?" She responds gently.

"I don't think I'll ever be," I state, avoiding all eye contact.

"Can I ask you something?" Cara begins, again using her radar to know exactly when to change the subject.

"Please do."

"So not to get into too much detail about your flesh and blood," she starts on unsure footing, which is rare for her.


"Yeah ... how do I know when it's the right time to take our relationship to the next level?"

"Omg - ew!"

"No, you klutz I dont mean that! I mean the L-word, I mean becoming a proper couple, it still feels like we're floating. I mean there's taking it slow and there's ... Well this."

"Cara, don't stress," I say taking her hand comfortingly, "don't be frustrated, I know things have probably been brewing for longer than this summer bu trust me. I know my brother and he likes you. I mean he really likes you."

"Thanks," she mutters with a grateful half-smile on her face.

"Don't mention it, it seems we both need to face up to our fears tonight," I continue, not entirely sure if I'm joking or not.

"So onto more trivial matters like what we're going to wear tonight, we need to look hot. Like the hottest girls there," she announces as the sparkle returns to her eye. This is definitely her area.

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now