A secret promise

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"What have you found Dani?" I ignore Eli's intent questioning voice behind me as I inspect the beautiful purple and white conch shell in front of me. It's at least three times the size of my small hand and I can't help but stare, in total awe of its beauty.

"Dani?" I turn to the voice behind me and see Eli holding his favourite blue bucket filled to the brim with an assortment of shells, deemed interesting enough for him to keep.
"Look," I announce holding the shell out, proudly smiling when his eyes widen at my newly found treasure.
"Wow, you found a conch!" He says bending down to inspect it with his eyes.

My eyes run over his usual scruffy blonde hair, his piercing blue eyes and the gash on his elbow that he got when we were riding our bikes last week.
"You wanna know a secret?" He asks his eyes now focused on mine. I nod my head in silence, absolutely fascinated by the young boy in front of me.

"Here," he says gently taking the shell from my outstretched Palm and holding it up so that the opening is facing my ear.
"Listen," he instructs with a shy smile on his face. I close my eyes and focus every sense in my body on listening to the shell. I hear a roaring, rushing sound and my eyes fly open.

"It's the sea!" I laugh taking the shell in my hand and pressing it even closer to my ear.
"Not just the sea, but this one right on this shore," he promises "so when you have to go back home soon it'll be ok because you can just put the shell to your ear and hear us every day."
"Isn't that just called a telephone," I giggle snorting at his stupidity. He simply smiles, his shy smile.
"Yes but not just a normal telephone, it has magic."
"Like Father Christmas?" I ask, my eyes widening in wonder.
"Yes but better!" He enthuses putting his hands in his short pockets, every time you put your ear to this shell, you are magically bonded to here. To us. To me." I blush at his last statement.

I wriggle my bare toes in the damp sand thoughtfully and frown up at him "why would I want that?"
"Because everyone needs someone to listen to them all the time, through magic," he states seriously. And with that he holds out his hand forming half a heart. I grin at this promise from him, our mum's had taught us this sign. So much more than a normal pinky swear, they said.

I hold out my hand forming the other half of the heart and join it with his making a full one and with it a promise. That we would always be that someone for each other.

*Present day*

After a night of heavy - and I mean heavy drinking - it had taken two greasy fry ups and God knows how many glasses of water to cure my mum and Al.

"You're putting your eighteen year old daughters to shame," Cara scolds from the kitchen sink as she stacks the dishwasher, receiving a groan from Al in return.
"Please don't, I still haven't fully recovered." Stirring her tea she holds on to her dressing gown as if her life depends on it.
"What are your plans today then girls?" My mum asks sipping her tea, she doesn't seem quite as affected by her hangover.
"Not sure," I say finishing my sausage balm and licking the ketchup off my fingers.
"We were gonna head into town for a spa -" she glances over at Al, who is now cradling her head "- well recovery day, you're welcome to join us."

"That sounds like fun, I could do with a pamper day," I enthuse getting up to clear my plate.
"Also Mason's coming round for a family dinner tonight, when was the last time you guys saw him?" Al asks.
"Oh goodness, not since he moved out to Africa," my mum smiles and I nod in agreement "How's his club's renovations coming on?" She's greeted with an eye roll.
"Oh God he was all set to go and then one of the builders cocked up with measurements and his office wall crumbled to the floor!" She announces dramatically, hand gestures and everything.

"Well then!" Cara changes the subject laughing "I'm gonna go get ready, will we all be ready to leave in an hour?" Her request is met with Al's protesting groan.
"Perfect!" She chirps standing up and pulling me out of the room.


After luxurious full body massages, facials, manicures and pedicures, me and Cara sprawl across the sauna's benches in our plush white towels. Completely and utterly relaxed.
"I feel as if I'm looking down on my body from a great height," Cara murmurs eyes closed, soaking in the soothing heat.
"Uh huh," I manage to get out, making the most of the euphoric feeling of utter peace, not a single thought or worry passes through my mind. I swear those masseuse's hands were carved by God himself.

Cara sits up, moving a strand of hair away from her face, and turns to face me.
"So, time for a serious chat," she says seriously.
"Sure," I say lazily, lolling in the heat.
"You don't just fancy my brother do you?" Ok, that woke me up. Sitting up boldly I pull a puzzled face.
"What?" Where was this coming from?
"Oh come on!" She says, making direct eye contact "I'm not a complete idiot, I saw your face when Nicki turned up yesterday. It was the same look when he started dating her last year."
"And what look is that?" I ask slightly annoyed at her presumption. Alright it wasn't just a presumption, she's hit the nail right on the head but still.

I swing my legs so that they are dangling off the bench and sit there thoughtfully, waiting for her reply.
"The look of being utterly crushed and in pain. I know that look because I've had it before, except nowhere near as bad as yours and it still hurt like hell so -"
"So nothing!" I interrupt "it doesn't matter how I feel, he obviously wants Nicki not me." Cara answers this by giving me a look that says she wants to throttle me for stupidity.
"What?" I question defensively.
"Believe me when I say that is not true -"
"Well it obviously is," I interject again. Why am I getting so touchy?

With a sigh, she slides across the bench and wraps her arm around me, gently nudging my head with hers until it's resting on her shoulder.
"Well then," she says with a slight giggle "you've just given me even more reason to get that bitch out of the picture." Sitting up I turn to face my best friend, looking her right in the eye.
"No! Cara promise me you will not interfere. Eli has to make his own decisions." Jumping down from the bench, I turn again and look at her, "Cara, promise me!"
"Fine," she sighs jumping down and joining me at the door before opening it "come on we should get going."

I guess that was the closest to a promise I was going to get out of her.

I know this chapter is quite a bit shorter than the last few but I wanted to upload while I was feeling inspired. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share if you liked it. Thanks again! ☺️

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now