A girls night in and left hanging ... again!

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*Picture of Dani*

"Pizza's here Dani!" Downstairs I hear Cara slam the door and run through the house, hearing a fumble I know she's almost dropped the pizza.

Smiling to myself I shut my MacBook and walk over to the wardrobe, selecting a tank top and PJ shorts, and quickly get changed. I wipe off what little makeup I still have on and quickly finish plaiting my hair before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

I hurry down the stairs and head through to the lounge where Cara has already laid out the food, blankets, cushions and is crouched down selecting a DVD.
"What you fancying?" She asks whilst I slump down on the couch. "I'm feeling a High School Musical marathon," she says grinning "we have the sing along version, though I think we both know them off by heart."
I roll my eyes laughing at her.
"Oh come on! You know you love it, don't tell me you don't tear up during "Gotta Go My Own Way," she swoons before inserting the first disc in the player, cranking the volume up and sitting down next to me.

We start on the pizza and chicken strippers enjoying the first song of the film and an empty house. My mum and Al were meeting up with some old Uni friends for a girls night out while Jeremy and Eli had also gone out, hitting a few clubs probably. Me and Cara had decided to have a fun girls night in and I definitely want to distract myself from the fact that Eli might or might not be getting back together with his manipulative ex-girlfriend.

I let myself get lost in the love story of Gabriella and Troy and once the food is demolished, we clear the plates and stand on the coffee table doing every single routine flawlessly. Laughing hysterically, Cara jumps down and runs from the room coming back in five minutes later with two bottles of Pinot Grigio and two long crazy straws.

"Oh God" I laugh jumping down and taking a bottle off her inspecting it "I swear you have no shame."
"Yet I'm the most fun person you know," she winks at me and opens her bottle taking a swig through her bright pink straw.


"We're all in this together!" Me and Cara sing at the top of our voices, spinning around the room. We're already over halfway through our wine and my head is starting to get fuzzy.
"Right, number two?" Cara jumps down from the couch and replaces the first disc with the second.
"Do you really think we'll make it through all three?" I ask, pulling a blanket over me as I curl up on the couch.
"Of course," she grins at me before joining me under the blanket "you know these movies are our passion."

We sing our way through the second movie, crying and laughing when necessary. Towards the end, Cara brings out another bottle of wine and a tub of Ben and Jerry's. As she's serving out the ice cream, we hear the front door slam and two male voices argue in the hall. A few minutes later Jeremy's head pops round the door.
"Wow!" He laughs raising his eyebrows at the empty wine bottles. "You two look like you're having a good time!"

He walks into the room steady as a rock, though I know he's probably been drinking and sits down wrapping his arm around me.
"Wow! Eleven thirty," Cara whistles looking at her watch "I think guys night just reached new heights."
Jeremy pulls a face at her sarcasm before sighing, "Well, you know who showed up at Avalanche and me and Eli got into a bit of an argument. He just can't see -" he pauses looking for the right words.
"That she's a complete and utter bitch?" I hear myself say completely involuntarily receiving an agreeing nod from Cara.
"He saw through her last year," she reassures us "and she isn't very bright so she'll screw up again at some point."
"And I'll have to be the one who picks up the pieces," Jeremy laughs sadly.

Changing the subject I jump up "I need the loo right now or I'm going to burst!" Using a laugh to cover my discomfort at the current topic of conversation. "You joining us for the last instalment of Disney's finest work?" I ask my brother.
He laughs, "as if I could pass up that offer," before taking off his jacket and helping himself to my ice cream.

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now