Birthday Preparations

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I wake to the bright morning sunlight exploding in random droplets through the slivers between the curtains. Snuggling sleepily into the soft duvet, memories from last night creep into the back of my memory and because I definitely don't have three arms, I thread my fingers through what must be Eli's big hand.

"Please don't tell me you're horny again, no offence but I definitely lost count last night," he mumbles with lazy sarcasm.

Wriggling onto my side, I cling my arms around him like a baby monkey and bury my face into his chest. He moans sleepily as he returns my embrace and plants a kiss on the top of my head before twirling his fingertips through my hair and massaging my scalp.

"Mmm," I purr feeling myself dozing back off.

That is until someone bangs loudly on the bedroom door. We both jump up, no longer sleepy and give each other a terrified look. It's not that we're ashamed of anything but this could quickly turn into an awkward family conversation considering we're both practically stark naked.

"Eli!" Cara commands loudly, "did you nick my bloody phone charger again?!"

Cara is probably the best person to catch us right now to be honest. Giving Eli an "I got this" look I jump up and quickly retrieve his dressing gown, wrapping it tightly around me and padding steadily to the door. She has to find out about us sooner or later. Eli lays back cringing at the awkward situation as I take a deep breath and unlock the door, cracking it open slightly.

"Well hello," Cara beams as soon as she sees me on the other side. "I take it the date went well then?"

"Haha, here," I sigh, rubbing my eyes and reaching over to the desk and thrusting the phone charger at her.

"Nice love bite," she winks, gesturing to my neck which I fling my hand up to feel. "Make sure Jez doesn't see that," she chuckles, before mouthing enthusiastically for me to spill all the details later.

"Thank God," Eli exhales as he hears the telltale click of his bedroom door lock.

"Ironically as much of a gossip as she is, Cara knows when to keep a secret," I admit, shuffling childishly across the wooden floor and clambering back next to him in bed.

"Hm, I like having you as my little secret," he teases, pulling me closer to him by my waist and burying his face into my neck.

"Dream on," I tut, pulling away, "I don't want to have to cover up two love bites. Is it really noticeable?"

"I hope so, I don't want any other guys touching you," he smiles, insistently pulling me back closer to him.

"Don't be an arse," I reply sincerely, pretend fighting against his grip.

"I'm kidding Dani, it was an accident," he confesses without losing that disobedient smile of his.

"Good," I state, narrowing my eyes at his dangerous dimples before jumping up again and skipping towards his bathroom.

"Where'd you go?" He sulks, pulling the covers over his shoulder.

"Are you kidding, there's so much to do today. You know, your little sister's eighteenth birthday party, tonight?" I remind him, leaning against the door frame.

"How could I forget?" He mumbles, closing his eyes.

"Well that's a shame," I start with a cheeky grin, "I mean you're obviously too tired to join me in the shower."

His eyes expectedly fly open and he bolts up as quickly as if I'd just told him that his mattress was electrified.

"I thought so," I remark, shaking my head at him.

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now