Red is the colour of love

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*Picture of Dani in her date outfit*

"You know when you said you wanted to take me to "the new Greek place" you didn't say it was your own family's restaurant," I say in awe as me and Alex step on to the polished, dark wood flooring of the gleaming white restaurant.

"It's only my second cousins," he admits modestly, leading me straight through the restaurant up some wide steps and over to the bar "not close enough that I can skip out on the bill" he insists winking at me.

"Well if that is the case, I hope you let me contribute." I follow him over to the glossy, mahogany bar where Alex familiarly greets a middle aged man, donning a pristine charcoal suit and a thick black moustache.

"Hey Tony! How you doing?" He laughs fondly as he greets his relative "this is Dani." He gently rests his hand on my lower back and I feel his warm skin through my denim jacket.

"Well well," Tony says smiling widely at me and taking my hand to kiss "what a delight to meet you."

"You too," I reply politely, slightly overwhelmed by this man's chivalry. Not that I'm complaining.

"Now where did you find such a beautiful girl?" He asks Alex jokingly, fondly gripping his shoulder.

"I guess luck must have befallen me," Alex says smiling at me, making me blush.

"Ahh, well I will delay you no longer. You're table is all ready if you are, I'll bring the cocktail of the day over for you?"

"That sounds wonderful," I answer happily. I can't help but smile at this man, he seems like he's so content all of the time.

Tony leads us across the shiny floor, past other diners as I inspect the magnolia walls covered in all sorts of amazing abstract art that sends pinks and oranges and blues all across the restaurant. Paired with the miniature paper lanterns that are dotted around, they set off a glowing aura across the restaurant.

We are led to a private table set right by a huge window that shows off the view of the beach, still clinging on to the big, yellow sun. Alex pulls out my chair for me and I thank him quickly before sitting down and taking off my jacket.

"Did I say how amazing you look already?" He asks sitting across from me and making himself comfortable.

"Twice already," I giggle nervously as I take a sip of the glass of iced water in front of me.

I'd gone with a classic red, figure hugging dress tonight, that fell to just above my knees. It had a slight ruffle around the waist and lace above my chest. Cara had loosely curled my hair in a 1940's style and had finished the look with striking red lips, smoky eyes and nude heels. I was going all out tonight.

"Well you do," he insists sipping his own water.

We make small talk before Tony comes over with two beautiful crystal glasses, complete with mint leaves and lime on a tray including the biggest mojito pitcher I'd ever seen. Alex must have seen my eyes widen in shock because he tries to reassure me.

"Don't worry, knowing Tony he'll drink half of that himself."

"He'll have to," I laugh taking another, larger gulp of water as he places his tray down.

"Now who wants to see some menus?" Tony exclaims.


"This is the best lamb I have ever had ... ever," I sigh as I inhale another delicious mouthful of the most amazing, tender meat I have ever tasted.

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now