"She'll be Next"

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"Hey be careful with that! It says fragile!"

"You know I love my niece but it's difficult not to be terrified when she channels her inner Lady Macbeth," Mason laughs as we glance over from folding leaflets to see Cara berating the poor delivery guy.

"When did she assume the role of project manager anyway?" I laugh back in agreement, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear in concentration.

"I have no idea but it certainly saves me a job," he says with a wink.

We're disrupted as his phone buzzes at an invasive volume on the surface just next to us. As soon as he sees the sender, his expression drops instantly.

"Is everything ok?" I question, glancing suspiciously at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Um ... yeah, of course," he affirms, giving me a brief smile before looking straight back down at what we're doing. I simply nod back.

"You know Mason, this place already looks pretty great," I say as chirpily as possible, motioning to the surrounding worker-filled venue soon to be Mason's new club.

"You think? It's been a gamble but then again, what's life without a few risks?" He grins charmingly at me.

"Wow, a risk for me is wearing a strapless dress on a night out," I laugh back, happy to see him smile like the old Mason again. I don't pry and ask what was going on with him before.

"Well I guess that's what they call rich girl problems," he teases with a cheeky smirk.

"Hey! Judgemental much?" I protest, pulling a mock offended face, "and btw, I am not rich!"

"Ok trust fund baby," he carries on poking with a mischievous smile.

It's always the same with Mason, he's in his mid thirties and yet his favourite hobby is to constantly wind me and Cara up whenever he gets the chance.

"I only keep winding, if you keep biting," he states jokingly, somehow reading my expression like a pro before shrugging his shoulders and heading off to his unfinished office.

I roll my eyes at his childishness as I carry on the mundane job of folding leaflets. I look up as I hear the familiar stomp of Cara's wedges heading over to me.

"Have you heard from Jeremy?" She asks, with her arms folded.

"No ... but apparently you have," I inquire, looking in amusement at her warpath like expression.

"Yeah I have, apparently him and my dear brother have spontaneously decided to go back to London with some friends of Eli's after the festival."

"Well, how long are they extending their trip for?" I question trying not to seem distracted as I fold at the same time.

"All they said is that they'll be back for Mason's opening on, which probably means eighty thirty on Saturday night when all the work is done," she complains, resting her hands on her hips.

"Are you sure this has nothing to do with simply missing Jeremy? Careful Car, sentimentality can be a weakness right?" I grin knowingly at her defensive look.

"Haha, you're hilarious," she comments dryly, looking back at her clipboard.

"Anyway, I'm nearly done here if you want to go grab an early dinner? I'm starving."

"Well hangovers are hungry beasts," she responds, revelling in her turn to tease, "sure, we could go to Gianni's?"

"Nice, I'll go grab our stuff and we'll go."

My best friend's brother and my brother's best friend (2016)Where stories live. Discover now