What is you "ideal girl"?

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RiddlesDiadem asked: "What is your 'ideal girl', Tom?"
*owl swoops down to your window and drops this letter, the parchment heavily scented with Amortentia, into your hands*

Dear RiddlesDiadem,
That's a difficult question to answer, because I do not know the answer myself.
There are times that I find that that I have no need for love.

But there are also times that I feel unbearably lonely.
I have my Death Eaters, but they haven't got an original idea in their idiotic little brains. They are followers out of fear.
I have the girls who swoon over me, but they do not really know me. They do not know the person that I truly am. If they did, they would no longer admire me.

My "ideal girl" is somebody who I can talk to as an equal. Somebody who will accept me for who I am. Somebody who understands me.

It's foolish to think about a girl that doesn't exist.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Marvolo Riddle

Sincerely yours,Tom Marvolo Riddle

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