Why do you hate Gryffindor so much?

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magicalchild asked: "Dear Thompson, Why do you hate Gryffindor so much for being blood traitors when Slytherin has Muggleborns and Half-Bloods too? (Also, I found that really dreadful looking Marvolo's ring on the Potions corridor, I think you've lost it. Should I return it or tease you into infinity? xx, Oriana."
*Owldemort delivers this green envelope atop the welcome mat of your humble abode*

Dearest Oriana who's probably a Gryffindor considering she's being all defensive for them,

Did you really just ask a Slytherin why they hate the Gryffindor house?

I suppose I could provide you a very long list of 394 reasons on why I particularly dislike Gryffindors. But instead, I'll spare you by only listing the top five:
1) They think they're better than every house in Hogwarts, I swear.
2) They're ridiculously annoying with their arrogance.
3) There's a difference between brave and stupid. They just can't tell the difference.
4) Dumbledore obviously favours them. He ensures they win almost every year by giving them points just because he bloody feels like it. (I am NOT jealous. I just feel as though Slytherin is being unjustly cheated out of house points for not being Dumbledore's favourite house. )
5) They constantly insult us Slytherins and try their best to taint the glorious Slytherin name.

You see, there is a difference between blood-traitors and blood-statuses. Do you not think that a blood-traitor is worse than a Half-Blood who believes in conserving blood purity?

Yes, Gryffindor is filled with blood-traitors. But I'll have to disagree with you on the Slytherins. There are no Muggleborns in Slytherin right now that I'm aware of. I should know; I'm the Head Boy. There are very few Half-Bloods there, er, including me. But we all believe in blood supremacy, mind you.

And you say that you found my ring on the Potions corridor? I suggest you deliver it to me straight away. That's something that I...hold very dear to my heart and soul. "Teasing me into infinity" will not be tolerated. Infinity is a very long time, and I do not wish to spend the finitely infinite days I have being infinitely teased to infinity.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

(Above: A stupid Gryffindor pulling one of their stupid pranks, cruelly and stupidly hexing a poor, innocent young Slytherin for no apparent reason

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(Above: A stupid Gryffindor pulling one of their stupid pranks, cruelly and stupidly hexing a poor, innocent young Slytherin for no apparent reason.)

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