When did your fascination for the Dark Arts begin?

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Emma_Luna asked: "Dear Mr. Riddle, When did your fascination for the Dark Arts begin? Magically, Emma_Luna."
*owl swoops through your window and drops letter on top of your bookshelf*

Dear Emma_Luna,
My fascination for the Dark Arts began at a fairly young age, back when I never even knew about Hogwarts.
When I was roughly 9/10 years old, I discovered that there were things I could do that the other children I lived wth can't. I could make things move without touching them. I could make animals do what I want without training them. I could make bad things happen to people who were mean to me.

In Wool's Orphanage, there was a very unpleasant boy named Billy Stubbs who was disagreeable and got into a fight with me. Using my special abilities, I got his rabbit and hung it from the rafters.
I didn't know how I did it. I didn't know that it was magic that I possessed. But it felt powerful. I could give those horrid people a taste of their own medicine.

Hanging a rabbit isn't technically Dark magic, but the look on little Billy Stubbs' face gave me the inspiration to pursue after the Dark Arts.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Sincerely,Tom Marvolo Riddle

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