How would you take a girl for a date?

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Lynn0306 asked: "Dear Tom, How would you take a girl for a date?"
*owl flies in your window and delivers pink envelope along with a heart-shaped box of Chocolate Frogs*

Dearest Lynn0306,
I would've seen her as special if I took her out on a date, so I would have taken her somewhere special.

I'm not talking about Madame Puddifoot's Tea Shop or the Three Broomsticks. That wouldn't be good enough. Everybody goes there.

Perhaps special does not always mean extravagant. Simple things could be special too.
I would've stole some food from the kitchens. Then we'd have a big picnic right in the Hogwarts grounds. I've never seen any of the students do that before.

After we eat, I would take her for a tour around the Chamber of Secrets. That, I guarantee you, is a place where nobody's been. Unfortunately, I wouldn't have introduced her to the Basilisk because, you know...

What are your thoughts?

Yours Truly,
Tom Marvolo Riddle

Yours Truly,Tom Marvolo Riddle

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