How would you propose to a girl?

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_Lily_Evans asked: "Dear Tom, How would you propose to a girl? -Lily Evans."
*Owlphini, Owldemort's second daughter, delivers the letter into your awaiting hands*

Dear Miss Evans,
Hm? How would I propose to a girl? That's an easy one. I wouldn't.

I'm not the type of person to just settle down, when I can settle up and take over the wizarding world.

But if I did, I would propose to her underneath the light of a thousand stars and the light coming from the Dark Mark in the sky. I would kneel down and take out a green velvet box embroidered with the crest of Slytherin. The ring would be a giant dark green emerald, obviously. Only the best for the best.

But as far as I know, proposing to a girl is not in my List of Things to Do. I am preoccupied with many much more important things, such as recruiting more people for my Death Eaters Club.

Also, I am busy studying for NEWTS (*cough*so forgive me if I'm not answering enough questions*cough*).
Education is very important to me. That's why most of the time, I wait until the end of the year to attack people. I don't have time to charm girls with my natural Merlin-given good looks.

Stay in school and refuse any marriage proposals that come your way or else your child just might be my worst nightmare,
Tom Marvolo Riddle

Stay in school and refuse any marriage proposals that come your way or else your child just might be my worst nightmare, Tom Marvolo Riddle

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