What would you do if you were an Animagus?

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EmilySmith_13 asked: "Dearest Tom Riddle, What would you do if you were an Animagus? And can I have
an Exploding Mars Bonbon? With Love, Emily Olivia Smith."
*ridiculously handsome owl (lol jk you think it's an owl but it's actually me in Animagus form) flies into your window and delivers you a big box of Exploding Mars Bonbons*

Dear Emily,
I've never really expressed any interest in becoming an Animagus because well, who needs to be an Animagus when you've got a bloody Basilisk that'll do whatever you say?

But if I was an Animagus, I would probably take the form of an owl.
You weren't expecting that, were you? You thought I'd become some deadly poisonous snake, didn't you?

Do you know why I'd become an owl, Miss Smith?
So I could fly above and, to use proper wildlife terms, stalk my prey.
Also, to find out what people are saying behind my back when I'm "not there".
It is not a question of whether I would kill. The real question, rather, is hoo.

I do like owl puns.

With Much Love,
Tom Marvolo Riddle

P.S. I hope you enjoy the Exploding Mars Bonbons.

 I hope you enjoy the Exploding Mars Bonbons

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