What would you teach if you had gotten the job for DADA?

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@crwsanjose asked: "Dear Tom, What would you teach if you had gotten the job for DADA (defense against the dark arts)? Would you have killed students as a punishment?"
*owl flies majestically towards your window, only to crash because it wasn't opened*

Dear @crwsanjose,
If I had gotten the position for Defense Against the Dark Arts, I certainly wouldn't have killed the students as a punishment. If I did, then I'd be fired and sent away to live the remainder of my life in Azkaban. Obviously.

No, I did not decide that I wanted to teach DADA merely to torture students.

Hogwarts is the only place I could ever call my home. Surely there are more children, children like me, that would also say the same. That is the main reason I want to teach there.

Teachers hold an example for students. Teachers have an impact in their students' future, don't you agree? They influence students.
Dumbledore, for example, puts a silly idea in the undeveloped brains of everyone he teaches, that the "good" overpowers the "evil".

I will try to teach the only thing that exists in this world: power.
There are children who have been brainwashed by senile old fools like Dumbledore, and I will be there to help them see past this and reach the full potential of their powers.

I believe that the only way to truly defend yourself from the Dark arts, is to use the Dark arts.
I will try to implement this idea into minds of these students, who are our future leaders of the Wizarding community.
I will teach them about Dark magic and Unforgivable Curses and Horcruxes and all the things they would need to know to prepare them for the future.

It will be a contrast to the pathetic things that they learn from other teachers.

As of now, Headmaster Dippet has unfortunately denied my request for the teaching position in Defense Against the Dark Arts because of my young age, but he has encouraged me to apply again in the future. I will apply again.
Hogwarts is lacking in decent teachers.

Sincerely Yours,
Tom Marvolo Riddle

Sincerely Yours,Tom Marvolo Riddle

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