Do you know who Queen Rowling is?

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PeculiarPotterhead asked: ""Dearest Tommy Boy, I have a question. Do you know who Queen Rowling is?"
*delivers the letter to your house myself, as some people (*cough* Holly_Potter_Head and
-AlbusSeverusPotter- *cough*) think that owlnapping Owldemort is funny*

Dear PeculiarPotterhead,

First of all, I must apologize for taking a lot time to respond to your letter. I was going to answer it much sooner, but it got lost among the pile of unanswered letters.

I am unfamiliar with any queen with the surname of Rowling.

Perhaps you are referring to Joanne Rowling?
She's a Seer witch who had stood by her unpopular beliefs that the muggles should know about the people of the Wizarding World.

She had received a prophecy that both of our worlds will come to an end, by destruction and violence.
She believed that if we, Muggle-kind and Wizard-Kind, work together and co-exist as equals, the world will be a better place.
She was an avid protestor against the Ministry of Magic's secrecy about our different Worlds. She's even sent several Howlers to the Minister.

However, no witch or wizard ever payed attention to her or supported her cause. I mean, the mudbloods at Salem burned us at stake, for Merlin's sake.

So she took matters into her own hands.
She went into the muggle world and pretended to be a muggle. She figured that if she couldn't convince us, she could convince them.

So she wrote children's books. Seven of them, actually.

She wrote about our world and our people and our abilities. She wrote about what she could foretell about the future.

All of this, to make the muggles believe.

Her books became popular, and she even made movies out of them to convince the people who didn't read, about us.

She's tried everything to convince them.
I don't know if her efforts are futile, because most regard it as a work of fiction.

Stupid mudbloods. How can they think that it's a work of fiction with the amount of detail she puts into everything?

As to this day, she has been disgraced by the Wizarding world for revealing our secrets. By order of the Ministry of Magic, she can never return to our world or perform magic ever again.
All records of her being a witch has been destroyed.

I hope this answers your question,
Tom Marvolo Riddle

P.S. I believe this is her now?

 I believe this is her now?

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