What are your thoughts on Rita Skeeter?

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SomeMalfoyKids asked: "Dear Tom Riddle, What are your opinions...On Rita Skeeter? By the way go to hell. -_- With all my love (not), Draconia Malfoy (you should have expected that. I'm a Malfoy.)"
*Owlphini busts through your window and sets fire to the Malfoy Manor before setting the letter down on your bedside table*
(also, Rita didn't really exist when Voldy was 16, so let's just pretend she did)

Dear the ever so lovely Miss Draconia Malfoy,

Merlin, do you write all your letters to people like that?! Or is it just me? That's a way to get a guy's attention. *winks*

Anyways, Rita Skeeter is a leech who writes nothing but lies. Blunt, ridiculous, absurdly laughable, bare-faced lies.
Anyone who believes anything she writes is an idiot. And I daresay that there are a lot of idiots out there.

That being said, I fully support her.

Why, you ask? Because she corrupts the minds of the people.
She makes the "good guys" look bad.
Dumbledore and Dippet to name a few. 
Unsolicitedly, she's actually helping me- causing doubt among the people on who the most powerful figures in the Wizarding World really are.

The first time I read one of her articles on The Daily Prophet, I swear, I haven't properly genuinely laughed since then. She's my sole form of normal non-sadistic entertainment.

But if she ever writes about me, mark my bloody words,

But I'm sure she won't even consider bugging me, Lord Voldemort, because I know a thing or two about her that'll get her into some very-much-registrable trouble at the Ministry.

With all my love (or the closest thing to it because I can't love lol),
Tom Marvolo Riddle

With all my love (or the closest thing to it because I can't love lol),Tom Marvolo Riddle

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