How do you join the Death Eaters?

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Jt20556 asked: "Dear Tom, How do you join the Death Eaters? Your faithful servant, Chase."
*owl delivers letter in an envelope with a Dark Mark sticker on it*

Dear Chase,
I'm very pleased that somebody has finally asked this question.
If your ambition is truly to become a Death Eater, please attend our next meeting in the Slytherin Common Room at precisely 11 0'clock tomorrow evening.
We will assess you and your skills to deem if you are worthy.

Meanwhile, I do think you need to have an understanding of Death Eaters and what they do.
I have attached a few snippets of my information guide for you.
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Official Death Eater Information Guide©
By Tom Marvolo Riddle
Co-written by Antonin Dolohov

This group, founded by our leader the Tom Marvolo Riddle (Voldemort), is composed of wizards and witches who believe in restoring the wizarding world back to its former glory.

Our main purposes:
•to preserve blood purity
•to prove dominance over muggles
•to eliminate muggle-borns from the wizarding world

•must be able to perform spells quickly and efficiently
•extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts
•must be able to perform at least two (2) of the Unforgivable Curses
•must be able to Apparate/Disapparate
•no evidence that shows betrayal of blood-status
•must own a perfectly functional and working wand
•preferably a Slytherin
•preferably Pureblood

By becoming a Death Eater, you have agreed to:
-serve the Dark Lord for the rest of your life
-protect the Dark Lord
-obey any given order by the Dark Lord
-keep all the names (of the Death Eaters) and all information discussed in meetings a secret
-die for the Dark Lord

Recommended Reading List:
•Magick Moste Evil by Godelot
•Extreme Incantations by Violetta Stitch
Curses and Counter-Curses by Vindictus Viridian
Secrets of the Darkest Art by Owle Bullock
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I hope you find this helpful.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Sincerely,Tom Marvolo Riddle

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