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A low buzzing sound cocoons me like an electric blanket. I groan silently and push myself from the miles of fabric that I seem to be swathed in. Panic momentarily sets in, stimulated by the unfamiliar environment. But then slowly, like the dead rising from their graves, the memories from last night come creeping back, biting and nipping at me. As the cloud of sleep slowly dissipates, my body burns with white hot shame. I turn my head to the side. Where exactly is Evan?


I jump and almost roll off of the sofa, but the nest of blankets keep me pinned down like a mental patient in a straitjacket. Evan chuckles as he sets the tray down and comes to help me disentangle myself.

"Morning," I stifle a yawn and look around the room. "you could have woken me up."

Evan shrugs and smiles. "I wanted to leave you sleeping. Besides, you look cute when you're asleep."

I bite my lip but say nothing. But a massive smile is threatening to grace my features, ready to burst forth and dazzle Evan who is looking at me a little sheepishly.  I reach for one of the mugs and bring it to my lips, allowing the steam to envelope my face.

"Thanks. I do try," I remark casually. "it's the leftover beauty from the day. It's hard being a model you know?"

I take a sip, almost instantly wrinkling my nose. Evan's smile widens. "Oh yeah, it must be so difficult. Where was your last shoot, London, Milan?"

I set the cup on my knee. "Wales, actually. I just love the sheep chic, it's all the rage at the moment!"

Evan laughs and grabs his own cup, bringing the steaming coffee to his lips. I try to sip my tea again. But I fail when my stomach protests as the fragrant fumes cling to my tongue. "Sorry. You didn't strike me as a coffee drinker. You women usually drink tea. So um, yeah." he shrugs and sets his empty mug down on the table.

"It's fine," I chuckle. "but if you make a sexist comment like that again, you'll be holding your gentleman's vegetables in a plastic bag." 

Evan raises his eyebrows at me, a crease of amusement burrowing on the space above his nose. "Gentlemen's vegetables? Really, Lily." but a casual hand settles in the distinct crotch area. I snort.

"Well blame my dad! He taught me it." a sick feeling envelopes me. It's like that sudden moment of panic when you're going to vomit, intensifieid by the rapid heartbeat and cold spread of shame that spreads from the tips of your fingers to the roots of your hair.

Evan is looking at me, a peculiar expression on his face. For a moment, I think he's going to reach over and put a hand over my shaking one. Instead, he just smiles softly and nudges the tray towards me. "Eat up. I spent all morning slaving over a hot toaster for this!" he indicates to the beans on toast that are still steaming on a plate

Just like that, the tension drains away and I let out a little relaxed sigh as I bring my own plate towards me. Evan, I quickly discover is a messy eater. I think more of the food ends up in his lap than in his mouth. I bring the fork to my mouth so that he doesn't see the little smirk that is poking at my lips. 

He catches me looking. "What?" his voice is muffled.

"Don't eat with your mouth full." I smirk. "didn't your mother teach you any manners?"

He sticks his tongue out aqnd reaches over to poke me in the ribs. I squeal and bat his hand away, almost dropping the plate from my lap in the process. "No but she taught me not to talk to pretty girls. They're always beasts." he winks and I feel my face set aflame with embarrasment.

Jigsaw (NaNoWriMo13)Where stories live. Discover now