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444 reads and over a hundred votes! You guys seriously are amazing! I honestly can't thank you enough! I think when this is finished, I am going to concentrate on finishing my other stories before posting the sequel. because, yes, there will be a sequel and I hope that it will be as accepted as this one has been! If you liked it, please vote, comment, share and follow! 

The following fortnight after Evan finally called me his girlfriend have been like a dream. An amazing, beautiful, colourful dream. The Post-boyfriend- buzz as I call it hasn't worn off. In fact it seems to swell like a riverbed in rain every time he smiles at me or kisses my cheek. Though he haven't had a chance to kiss properly yet – something I am quite disappointed about – over that weekend, we kissed more times than I ever did with Shane, and that's saying something. I love kissing Evan. It feels so right, so perfect, almost like his lips are made for mine. I like the way his lips twitch when I run my fingers through his hair, and the way he applies pressure as he gets more into the kiss.

“What are you smiling at?” I blink and look up from the pile of boxes I have been sorting.

I had been sent in here to do a stock take, to make sure that we had everything that we needed to get the café running smoothly. So boxes of wafers, biscotti, cappuccino and chocolate powder sit around me, and I still have the cake, muffin and biscuit ingredients to sort through. Evan is standing over me and grinning down at me, looking beyond gorgeous in his white shirt, stripy tie and black trousers that are more than a little snug in the bottom area.

I can't believe he's all mine.

“Oh, er nothing.” I blush and turn back to the boxes so that Evan will not have to see my red face.

I hear him chuckle. Moments later, his arms loop around my waist and he kisses me gently on the neck. I shudder as the tingles travel down my spine and lean into him. We're sitting awkwardly, him doing a funny sort of squat while I sit between his legs, surrounded by coffee and takeaway mugs. “I just came in here to introduce you to the new girl.”

I turn around and raise my eyebrows. Evan must have interviewed hundreds of people since he put that advert up, but none of them seemed to match up to his expectations. I want funny, I want quirky. He had explained to me when I raised my eyebrows at him turning down yet another candidate. I had snorted, because I definitely wasn't quirky or funny. I was shy and wimpy, a far cry from what Evan had looked for. But he had replied with. I only hired you because I fancied the pants off you. I had been blushing and giggling so much that I couldn't reply.

I pull myself to my feet and dust myself down. I wrinkle my nose. For someone who has such a thing about keeping the café clean, the back room is filthy. But then again, it is approximately the size of Evans living room, give or take, one side is taken up by the lockers and a ratty old sofa, the other side is taken up by shelves of stock. It's not generally open to the public, but I may just have to give it a good clean when the day is over.

The new girl is quite a shock. She's short, a few inches shorter than me with a mischievous pixie face, and turquoise eyes to match her shocking blue hair. A lip ring glints as she smiles at me and extends a hand for me to shake. Her many bangles and bracelets rattle as she introduces herself.

“Hi, I'm Leah. You must be Lily. I've heard so much about you. It's nice to meet you. I'm so glad to be given this opportunity.” she talks quickly without pause and continues shaking my hand.

She realises what she is doing and flushes a little, dropping my hand. “Sorry. I'm nervous.” she says, twirling her lip ring between her thumb and forefinger.

I smile. A proper smile. I can't help but like her. She gives off this mischievous aura that I really like. Her blue eyes seem to glow with the same type of kindness I can see in Evans eyes. “Hi, Leah. Nice to meet you too. And I hope it's all good.”

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