Twenty Five

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Well, I am a little over halfway done with Jigsaw and I have to say, I am overwhelmed by all the amazing support I have received with this. I honestly wouldn't have had the motivation to continue this if it wasn't for your guys continued support. I honestly couldn't thank you enough. Just a word of warning, this chapter contains adult situations, but it's no fifty shades of grey, so if you're not into that, you can still read! Please continue to show your support by clicking that little vote button, and the follow button! Oh and it would be amazing if you shared it too! Also, I would like to wish you all a happy new year!

I look at Evan but his eyes are focused on the fragments of his past, smiling remnants of his dead father that are plastered on the wall like a sort of shrine. His eyes, which I expected to hold sadness, hold nostalgia and a wild kind of emotion that I cannot place as he reaches out and strokes a picture of his father – Who Evan looks like down to the dimples – a small smile quirks at the corners of his lips.

“You look just like him.” I say, taking Evans hand in my own.

Evan nods proudly. “Everyone says that. Sometimes -” his voice catches and I raise my eyes in alarm, thinking he may start crying. “Sometimes, especially when he first died. It was hard to even look in the mirror, especially as I got older and I looked more like him.” Evan admits.

I stay silent. No words are needed, Evan will talk and now, for once it's my turn to listen. “Did I ever tell you of the day him and my mum met?” Evan asks, turning to me.

I shake my head, a silent prompt for him to continue. My chest feels heavy with all the emotion that is rolling off of my boyfriend. He smiles, a hint of bitter-sweet longing dulling down that megawatt grin somewhat. His hand squeezes mine before he releases it. He drags a large wooden box across the floor, disturbing a thin coating of dust and creating a sharp scraping sound that makes me wince. He sits down and pats the space next to him, a silent invitation to sit down next to him.

I lower myself tentatively down onto the wooden box, sitting next to Evan but leaving a little space between us. “Tell me about him.” I whisper.

“What do you want to know?” Evan tries to keep his voice level but it shakes as the sentence trails off nonetheless.

“Whatever you want to tell me,” I say softly.

He takes a deep breath. “I guess I've been a little dishonest with you,” Evan chuckles darkly, without humour. “Dad didn't have a heart attack, he died in a fishing accident.”

I almost raise my eyebrows at the absurdity of Evans statement but allow him to continue. “I know, strange right? We used to travel up to Scotland for the summer holidays, Mum and Dad always hired out a cabin. I say cabin, but it was bigger than my entire block of flats,” I smile at Evans attempt of humour. “anyway, this cabin had a massive lake, surrounded by mountains and forest. It was beautiful, Lily, fucking beautiful. On a clear day, you could see straight up the mountains. Dad called it peaceful beauty,” he chuckles. “he fancied himself as a poet, did my dad. We used to take one of the boats that were docked up on the lake shore and anchor off in the middle of the lake. We never caught anything, but it was just dad and me, side by side as it should be.

“One year, there were storms, bad storms predicted for the whole area. Came from the mountains supposedly. Mum tried to warn Dad against going out there, told him that it was too dangerous. But it was clear, one of those days where you can practically taste summer in the air. Dad ignored Mum, he chose to go out anyway, and as usual, I went with him.-” Evan swallows forcefully and I put my hand on his thigh. “so we packed a picnic and off we went... You – you know in books and movies when the protagonist always has some sort of feeling that something bad is going to happen? Well nothing like that happened, it just felt.... Normal. It was a normal day, really. He kissed Mum goodbye, not knowing it would be the last time they'd see each other.” Evans voice breaks and I wrap my arm around his waist, kissing his shoulder gently.

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