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The first thing I notice when I wake up is that my head is pounding, and that I have a mouth like the Sahara Desert. The second thing I notice, is I am laying on something very warm, and slightly squishy. I frown slightly and poke it. It grunts and my eyes snap open in alarm.

With a speed that I never thought possible in my state, I jump up with a yell. I grab the first weapon I can find, which happens to be a pillow, and attack the lump that is under my covers. With a loud, yell, Evan sits up, arms over his head. I realise with horror that it is not an attacker, but Evan, and I have just hit him with a pillow.

The pillow falls from my grip, and I cover my mouth with my hands. “Oh, shit. I'm so sorry!” I say.

Evan chuckles and reaches out to me, wrapping his arms around me. I sigh in content, burying my face into his chest, and playing absently with the hair that pokes out from the collar of his shirt. “Don't worry about it.” he breathes, making me shiver.

“You scared me,” I say sulkily.

Evan chuckles and presses a kiss to the top of my head. I've missed this. Just being close to Evan, breathing the same air as him. It's as if a huge piece of me that was missing, has suddenly been reconnected with the appearance of Evan. We are like a jigsaw, and Evan is my missing piece. And I guess I am his too.

“You look cute when you're scared,” Evan chuckles, his chest vibrating.

I flush at the unexpected praise and snuggle closer to him. His arms tighten and he absently runs his fingers up and down my spine. I shiver at the feeling. “I feel sick.” I grumble, burying my face into his chest and inhaling the scent of sandalwood. Seriously, what aftershave does Evan wear?

And it's true, my stomach is churning like I am on a boat at sea, and my head feels as if I have been struck by lightning. He sits up and I groan as it jolts my head unbearably. Slowly, his hands slip under my waist and he lifts me up against the headboard. He slides a pillow under my back and kisses me on my sweaty forehead.

“Wait here. I have an idea.” Evan says, climbing out of bed and padding across my bedroom.

I watch with interest as he disappears into the direction of the kitchen and begins to clatter around. I listen curiously as the occasional clatter and crash, followed by a dozen swearwords drift towards my ears. Finally, Evan enters the bedroom, carrying a glass of thick, gloopy liquid that is an interesting shade of red. I dread to think what he's put in there.

“Er, what is that?” I say, as Evan sets it on the bedside table and looks at me expectantly.

Evan just crosses his arms. “Trust me. Just drink it.” he says a little sternly.

I look at the gloopy, slightly lumpy liquid. There is no way I am drinking that. It will probably only make me sicker than I already feel. I look at him with disgust. “You don't seriously expect me to drink that?” I say.

Evan only nods, a small smirk on his face. Sighing, I agree and bring the disgusting concoction to my lips. I catch a whiff of the strangest combination of smells ever to exist. It's like a mixture between tomato, bananas and garlic, infused with the strong smell of chilli. Taking a deep breath, I bring it to my mouth and down it whole.

I almost gag as the lumpy drink slides down my throat. It is horrible, absolutely vile, and Ib have half the mind to throw the glass at Evans head. But I finish it, and slam the glass down on the bedside table. The remaining drink slides slowly down the glass in thick globs. I have to turn away. It tasted like a mixture between pickled eggs and stale pizza.

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