
154 11 0

Not as long as my usual chapters, but today's been pretty busy for me. It's enough to update my NaNo count though! If you like please, vote, comment, share and fan! It would mean the world.

I feel slightly nervous as I walk the familiar path back to Evans café. It has been over a week since I was here last, and in that time, a lot has changed. After Evans admission the other day, the air cleared somewhat, and I agreed to go back to work, despite still being shaken up by the events two days prior. It occurs to me that Tanya will be there. Evan had reluctantly admitted that he had given her another chance, but one strike and she was out. I can't help but to feel disappointed, I was hoping that he would have sacked her on the spot. I guess he's too nice to do that. It strikes me that he didn't hesitate to sack me when he thought I had given Tanya that black eye.

A sense of familiarity washes over me as I step in front of the familiar blue fronted door and lay my hand on the handle. I take a moment to compose myself, just taking the time to compose myself. Before I can stop anything, the door is wrenched open and I pitch forwards. My chin makes painful contact with the floor and my legs go all akimbo as I drop gracelessly to the floor. Dying of embarrassment and sporting an admittedly sore chin, I look up. Slowly, I close my eyes and mentally face palm myself. Of all the people to be the other side of the door, it had to be Evan! I might as well tattoo clumsy idiot on my forehead and get it over with.

“Nice of you to drop in.” he smirks and I just about to die of embarrassment.

“Is there any reason why you were standing the other side of the door?” I say sulkily, taking Evans hand and allowing him to pull me to my feet. My fingers tingle where Evans skin makes contact with mine.

I surreptitiously reach round and brush off the dust that has collected on my bum. Evan notices, for his eyes widen a bit before narrowing in amusement. A hush seems to fall over us as Tanya steps out from behind the counter, eyes as mean as ever. She twists her arms around her back as she slowly steps towards me. You could hear a feather drop, let alone a pin. We stare each other down, eyes narrowed, the dislike radiating off of us.

Evan shuffles awkwardly next me. He starts playing with his hair, before twisting his hands together and clapping them behind his back.

“Lily..” Tanya says at the same time I say, “Tanya...”

“Um, guys. If we can finish this little staring thing you've got going on, that'd be great.” Evan says, voice hardening slightly as we continue to glare at each other.

I swallow, blushing slightly and give Evan my best winning smile. I want to smack Tanya in the face. She has that smug, self-satisfied grin on her face that tells me that she thinks she's winning. And in a Maybe I could execute something to get her sacked? I rid myself of the thought the moment it leaves my head.

“Sorry, Evan,” I say smugly. “I guess I'm just so tired from spending all weekend with you.” I throw Tanya my own self satisfied smirk and watch as her face pales.

Evans lips twitch as if he is fighting a smile, but he tries to hide it as he sighs in exasperation and heads for the counter. I raise my eyebrows as I follow him over to the counters. I find that I have lost all patience that I once held for her. She has played too many games and caused me too much pain for me to even try. There's only so much a person can forgive.

“Remind me why you didn't sack her again?” I ask sulkily as I absent-mindedly pick the plastic coating on the edge of the counter.

Evan frowns in disappointment. “Because everybody deserves a second chance. Surely you of all people should know that?”

I turn away, back ramrod straight. “What is that supposed to mean?” I ask, sounding harsher than I intended.

Evan sighs and runs his hand through his hair. I can almost see his mind ticking over, the cogs whirring at his thoughts processes.

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