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Thank you. thank you for 500 reads! The feedback I am getting is just amazing! Though I love the votes (please keep them coming) I would love some comments, even one liners, just so I know people like my work! Please continue to support Jigsaw by voting, commenting, following and sharing. Love you all!

Miranda x

P.S. This is unedited so please point out any mistakes/plot holes.

I clutch at the seat, yelping as Evan sticks the car in reverse instead of drive and we go shooting backwards instead of forwards. We narrowly miss a lamp post, sending jolts of shock through my heart. I can hear the suitcases rattling around in the boot, clunking together at Evans less than stellar driving skills.

How did he even pass his test?

“Er, Evan?” I say tentatively, clutching tightly at my seat belt as he finally gets the car in drive and starts driving, hitting the curb with a painful bump. “Are you sure you passed your test?”

“Yep.” he says, not saying a word.

I say no more. I don't want to hurt his feelings. But he really is a terrible driver. The car jerks around, jolting every now and then whenever he hits a speed bump. I feel inexplicably safe though, like he has wrapped me in a security blanket. I know that he will drive safely with me in the car. We drive for a long time in silence, Evans eyes never leave the road and I settle down, finally relaxing in the comfortable silence that falls upon us. I lay my head against the cold glass of the window, watching the sprawling city streets make way for blankets of lush green fields and barns, the occasional cow and sheep grazing in the fields.

I remember the last time I passed through the country, I was stuck on a bus, fresh from the pain of my parents deaths. It's amazing how I thought I could never associate this with happiness. But now, watching as the towering trees jut out into the endless blue sky, broken up by the chunky white clouds that lazily drift across the winter sky.

I sneak a glance at Evan. He looks so at ease while driving. Like he was made to be put behind the wheel. And while he may not be the best driver in the world, he seems so happy and relaxed as the grey tarmac falls out underneath us. Lush green scenery and farmhouses soon make way for wild hedgerows and endless hills. The roads become bumpier, more wild. In the distance, spread out before us, is a small village, looking alarmingly like we will tip straight into it as Evan navigates down the narrow country road.

“Are we there yet?” I ask childishly, eliciting a smile from Evan.

“Nope, we have ages yet. Just thought I'd take the scenic route.” he chuckles.

I smile appreciatively and lean against the window again, feeling my eyes droop closed. We pass through the little village and my eyes snap open again. There is something so charming, so medieval about the whole place. I can feel the welcoming air drifting to me through the open windows. Old thatched houses grouped so tightly together that they look like they will pop out into the sky, lead onto a small town square with a dwarf church and a war monument which seems to spiral endlessly into the azure sky.

The streets are still cobbled! This sends a little jolt of childish excitement right through me.

“It's so pretty,” I remark, pressing my face to the window as I look at the winter berries creeping up the side of the houses and falling onto the window ledges.

“Not as pretty as you,” Evan says, bringing the car to a juddery halt and staring at me.

My stomach flips over and I want to kiss him more than anything in this world, surrounded by the beautiful scenery and shrouded in this charming medieval village. He must know what I am thinking, because he pulls me over to him. The clutch is digging awkwardly into my thigh, and the steering wheel is digging painfully into my left bum cheek, but as Evan kisses me gently on the lips, I have never cared less in my life.

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