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So here's the next chapter. I think this book is going to be a lot longer than I first anticipated, but I aim to have that little green check mark by it by May! Thanks as usual for the votes, reads, and comments. Please, please comment adn let me know what you thought! It only takes a minute and is very helpful.


I walk through the cold corridor, completely confused as to how I got there in the first place. My stomach clenches with a heavy sense of foreboding that sits on my chest like a lead weight. The corridor seems to stretch on into an infinite forever and it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Despite the strip lights that provide blinding light into the corridor, I find my eyes unable to focus on any one thing. They flit from the nymph statue in a shadowy corner, definitely female with a strange grimace upon the small face. The body seems hunched in on itself as if it is some deformed type of demon. I eye it wearily trying to figure out why it seems so familiar. They flicker a tall, proud statue of a knight holding his sword to the ceiling. His face is strong and proud and once more instills a strong sense of familiarity within me. Gulping, I pass the statue, feeling doused in cold as the knights sword snags my dress.

Dress. What?

I let my fingers clench around the stiff chiffon material, confusedly. I have never and never will own a dress such as this. It is held together by flimsy bows and fake flowers, swathed under miles of silk and netting. Like a wedding dress. My stomach clenches and I feel like I have to run. My feet are carrying me to a dark, unknown destination, taking on a life of their own. I come to the end of the infinite corridor and stop, gasping and panting in front of a tall set of oak double doors.

A strange sense of calm washes over me as I push my palms against the wood. It is cold, yet hot at the same time against my palms and seems the thrum with its own life source. For a second, I enjoy the sensation of the scratched wood rubbing against my skin before I heave a sigh and push the door open, with a long, drawn out squawk.

The room is full pf people I have never met before, dancing tightly together. Their faces hold no expression as they move in tight circles around each other. No one seems to notice I am there as I move myself through the crowds, feeling fluid like water as my feet slip across the tarnished wood floor. It feels like I have a destination to go to, a place to be. I have never been more conscious of the dress on my body and as I get closer to my unknown destination, I feel everyone in the room stop and stare at me.

Just as I reach my destination.

If I ever thought that it wasn't possible for your heart to actually break, I was wrong. Because the sight that meets me sends me spiralling into a deep, dark hole of acute pain. I stumble back, but am impeded by a wall of people, who stand shoulder to shoulder. A loud humming noise fills my ears and I find that I cannot move as I stare at the sight in front of me.

He sits atop a throne of gold, encrusted with rubies and diamonds, wearing a suit of the deepest, darkest black. His brown eyes are cold and his lips quirk into a smirk as he looks down at me. His hand is enclosed in a smaller, more dainty hand. One which belongs to someone who only ever brings out pure, unadulterated dread in me. Tanya looks down at me, blue eyes cold and unfeeling as she towers over my trembling form. She is wearing a white, silken dress that flows like a river into the crowd of people.

“You were too late, Lily. Evan is mine now!” Tanya laughs, and it is a cold, high sound that cuts through me.

I stumble back, rendered helpless by the ferocity of her words. Evan smirks as the group of people push me forwards and I come to the ground with a heavy drop. I just lay there, panting and crying, wishing that the Earth would come to reclaim. Wrap its roots around me and zap me from existence. My heart is feeble and annoying in my chest and as I lay there, staring up at the identical evil glances of the two people, I feel the people start to close in on me, forming a tight circle.

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