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So.... This chapter.... I actually really struggled with this one, hence the wait between updates. I sincerely hope that this chapter doesn't suck, but I'll leave that up to you guys to decide! As usual, thanks for the reads, votes and comments! Please vote, comment and share if you liked!

It takes a moment for my sleep fogged brain to figure out where I am. In those moments, my mind goes into overdrive as my eyes run around the unfamiliar room. From the green walls, right down to the paisley carpet. If somebody has kidnapped me, then they have really bad taste. Then something shifts underneath me and it all comes flooding back.

Evan. His Mum. Mr Fluffs. I sigh and tip my head so that I can see Evans face.

He has a slight smile on his mouth, face relaxed with a hint of drool on his chin. I wonder what he's dreaming about. Is he dreaming about me? Or someone else? That sends a spike of jealousy right through me. But then I remind myself, these girls – in his dreams, they don't exist. They are a figment of my own jealous imagination.

Evan is some kind of beautiful when he sleeps. He just seems so fresh and innocent, a far cry from the mischievous, flirty man that I know when he is awake. It is as if sleep has washed away all the stresses of the day, making him look almost child like. The soft, white light that bathes the bedsheets paints his face a haunting blue, giving him this otherworldly glow that is breathtaking and eerie, all at the same time. His lips pucker up into an adorable little pout and his eyes flutter open.

His brown puppy eyes meet mine and I feel a spark of electricity spark between us. I smile and kiss him on the lips. He sleepily responds, his hands leaving the covers to place themselves either side of my face.

“Mm, good morning.” he whispers when we pull away.

An involuntary smile breaks out across my face and I reach down and kiss the tip of his nose. He chuckles and sits up, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Evan... Last night. What you said, did you mean it?”

The smile slips from his face and I feel my heart sink. I really had thought that he meant it. The strange light in his eyes as he held me in the dark told me that he did. With a rapidly breaking heart, I make to pull away again but Evans arms hold me firm. He stares at me for what feels like a very long time, but in hindsight is probably only seconds. “Of course I meant it. Why wouldn't I?”

He looks up at me, eyebrows poised, waiting for me to answer. I sit and stare at him, relief and a great surge of love swelling up inside of me. I am completely and utterly in love with the man in front of me. Ad cliché as it sounds Evan is the reason I get up in the morning. The reason why I haven't been buried under my grief. I don't know what I would do if I lost Evan.

“Er, it doesn't matter,” I say, suddenly shy, leaning against the headboard and playing with the hem of Evans shirt, which falls just above my knees.

“Yes. It does matter, talk to me..” Evans hand grasps my chin and tilts my head towards his.

His eyes are wide, earnest. If not a little confused. His mouth is open slightly and there is a deep frown etched on his forehead. I almost close my eyes at his touch but manage to refrain from doing so.

“I- it's just. I was expecting you to say that you didn't mean it like last time,” I admit, feeling embarrassed at my admission.

For a moment, I think Evan will start laughing, but then he sighs loudly and wraps his arms around my waist, bringing me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, our arms brushing against each other in a way that sets my heart racing. He chuckles darkly.

“Oh, Lily. After everything we've been through, did you honestly think I wouldn't fall in love with you? You're it, Lily. Everything I've ever wanted and more. I – I know I don't show it well, or treat you how I should, and I know that I took it back last time but you're the one for me. My Lily.”

Jigsaw (NaNoWriMo13)Where stories live. Discover now