Thirty- Six

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Well. The penultimate chapter has arrived. There will be one more chapter after this. An epilogue of sorts, before posting the sequel sometime (hopefully) in the summer. Please ignore the typo's or grammar mistakes. I'll edit the whole thing once this is completed!


Come to the common. We need to talk.

The text is sent before my brain can process it. I stare at the little word balloon on my phone for an endless eternity as Evan stares at me from his position on his couch. In the days after reuniting with Evan, I had more or less moved in with him. His injuries meant that he struggled to get around. So – me – his willing subject, has been running around for him, getting everything he needs.

There's so much we still need to talk about. But now's not the time.

Now's the time to sort this out for once and for all.

“Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?” Evan winces as he sits up, evidently preparing to come to my rescue again.

I shake my head. “No. absolutely not! Leah will be with me, and besides. You need to rest.”

Evan pouts almost petulantly and settles back into the sofa. He seems to sigh in relief as the hot water bottle I had prepared soothes his sore muscles. Evan is a mess, but he looks ten times better than he did when I first saw him. The memory of seeing Evan, sad and broken in that hospital bed because of my shit will haunt me for the rest of my life. So I’ve got to put it right.

For Evan. And for myself.

“I don't feel comfortable with you going round to Tanya's. She's not all there.”

I frown at the insensitive comment and cross the room, straddling his thighs and placing my hands – palm down – on his bare chest. The muscles ripple beneath my fingers and he shudders slightly as I run my nails slightly down his stomach.

“Look, Evan. I think we should take this Tanya thing with a pinch of salt. There's more to this. I was wrong about Dave. Who's to say I wasn't wrong about Tanya?”

Evan's face softens and his hands move to my thighs, running up and down them gently. I bite my lip, fighting the shivers that his touch entices. “I'm sorry,” he whispers, and his face looks sad, torn down. “I tried to warn you but you wouldn't have it.”

I sigh. “It's fine . . . Look, I understand. There's only so much one person can do or say. I believe you now.”

“I just don't want you to get hurt.” his voice is small, scared.

I reach down and press my lips against his. “I won't get hurt. Not when I have you protecting me.”

He smiles against my lips and wraps his arms around my waist, bringing me closer. His lips find my neck and I whimper and gasp, squirming against his naked chest. I bring my hands to his chest, running them down the vast expanse of smooth skin as my lips find the sensitive skin on the shell of his ear. I swear I almost hear him whimper and smirk against him, biting and pulling gently at the reddened lobe.

His body stiffens as I move down his body, peppering soft, lonely kisses down his neck and trailing my tongue down his collarbone. His hands fist in my hair and his stomach rises and falls rapidly as I move lower. Getting closer to the ultimate destination.

My phone trills long and loud and Evan curses, allowing his hands to drop from my hair. Sighing, I extract myself from his arms and reach for the phone which is flashing with a new message.

Ok. C U there.

“It's Dave.” I say, trying to ignore the disappointed expression on Evan's face.

Jigsaw (NaNoWriMo13)Where stories live. Discover now