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To say I'm tense upon my arrival at work the next morning would be an understatement. In the offset of that photo, I have been left with a sickening desire to run. Now, in the early morning chill I can't control the insane feeling that someone is following me. Yet every time I turn around, the streets are deserted, practically dripping under the stark lonliness of it all. A car screeches past, a squeal of tires on tarmac, followed by the jarring blaring of a horn and I just about jump out of my skin.

Cursing the idiots, who are no doubt laughing at my expense, I feel an unmitigated sense of relief as the familiar blue shop front comes into view. Evan is leaning against the counter when I enter. If he didn't turn, I would have stopped just to appreciate his firm backside or the way his polo shirt clings to his body. He turns and gives me a warm smile. I smile back - but it feels more like a grimace - and hang up my coat. September has blurred into an uncertain October, and there is a cool crispness to the air, that is only brought about by the onset of Autumn.

"Hi, Lily. Nice evening?" he says, brown eyes meeting mine.

My heart twists momentarily and I have to look away. It's almost like he knows that something is up. But that's impossible. I've always prided myself on my acting skills thank-you-very-much. Evan's voice is soft and warm like a summer breeze. In this moment, I want to close my eyes and enjoy the way my name rolls from his tongue.

"Not too bad. yourself?" I clock in and wrap my apron around my waist.

My hand "accidentally" brushes his chest as I am pulling my hair through the neck of the apron. His eyes widen, as if he is surprised but he doesn't say anything. We fall into an easy silence. I clock in, while Evan goes back to whatever he was doing on the counter.


"Yes?" I drag out my words, pausing in replacing the till roll (rather unsuccessfully I might add).

His mouth twitches and he takes a deep breath. His face changes, to one that is abashed and a hell of a lot guilty. My eyebrows shoot up into my hair. Well, not literally, that would be weird. But you get the gist. He looks so adorable, like a puppy that has done something it shouldn't have.

Wait, why am I comparing Evan to a puppy?

“I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I was out of line.”

I arch an eyebrow and give him a look that clearly says. Dude, what the hell are you going on about?

“Apologize for what?” I ask confused, “You didn't do anything wrong.”

Evan shrugs."Yesterday. with Tanya. it  feels like I was a bit abrupt with you."

Amusement tickles at the back of my throat. Has he been worrying about that all night? I don't know whether to clap my hands in delight, or ruffle his hair. Neither of which would go down very well. Instead, I settle for smoothing my palms down my starched apron and giving him my best "breathtaking" smile.

It's possibly the first genuine smile I've held all week, and my cheeks hurt with the exertion. But seeing the relieved look on Evan's face, excites a warm glow inside of me.

“Don't mention it. Let's start again!” My voice is breathless and high pitched.

For the first time I damn Evan's good looks and my bloody hormones. This is the wrong time to be thinking of Evan in that way. Evan is my boss. There's no way anything could work between us. Unless of course we kept it casual. I don't realize that I am blushing until Evan waves a hand in front of my face, looking duly concerned.

Evan smiles widely, and grabs my hand. To my surprise and delight (though I wouldn't admit it), Evan pulls me to his chest and wraps his arms around me. I mentally sigh in contentment and rest my head on his shoulder, enjoying the feel of being this close to him. In any other situation, I would have been mortified and pushed him away. I never let people touch me. Never. Not since before my parents died. But with Evan holding me like this, albeit a bit tightly, it just feels so safe. So right. Like I was made specifically to be in his arms.

Jigsaw (NaNoWriMo13)Where stories live. Discover now