3; the darkness will fall

233 7 18

Sunday, 9:30 AM

Clarke shakily walked back to her bed, before sitting on it. Her eyes were glued on the wooden floor, and she didn't know what to think about. She tried to contain her thoughts, and mostly to remain calm. But with everything happening, it was almost impossible. Her fingers unconsciously gripped tight around her phone, wishing she could just wake up from this terrible nightmare.

"Hey..." Finn muttered as he hesitantly followed Clarke, standing still in front of her. He wasn't sure what to do, nor what to say to comfort her. Or if he was even supposed to do that.

"I need to find Wells," Clarke stated as she looked up to him, releasing a long sigh. She then shakily stood up and attempted to walk toward the door of her room, but she suddenly felt a lack of energy taking over her body. The world around her seemed to fall apart, before feeling strong arms catching her, just before her head could meet with the hard floor.

"Clarke, you're too weak... You need something to eat." Finn told her as his eyes stared down into hers, trying to put her back on her feet. When she managed to stand again, he placed his hands under her shoulders and glanced around in hope of finding the kitchen.

Clarke's brows furrowed as she felt Finn's arms around her, still deciding on whether she liked it or not. But too many things were still confused in her mind, and she had much more important things to think about. "No I'm okay, I need... I need to see Wells, to find out if he's okay..."

"Wells can wait, your body can't. You're going to faint again if you don't eat." Finn replied, giving her a stern look.

She rolled her eyes. "I won't, I can do this, Finn."

Finn watched her for a while, simply nodding as he realized she wouldn't give in so easily. After that, he began leading them out of her bedroom, and down the stairs. He held her tightly, making sure she wouldn't stumble on something on their way outside.

"You know, I can walk by myself." Clarke told him, looking straight in front of her as they were heading toward Wells's house. Thankfully, the tornado didn't seem to have destroyed her best friend's house, so there was still hope. But however, the air she was breathing seemed thick, somehow harder to breath than usual. She assumed it was due to the smoke from the fire.

"I know," Finn answered, not allowing the small smile to show. He slowly let go of her after a while and watched as she walked up to the porch of Wells's house.

Clarke turned the doorknob without even knocking, finding it rather strange that the door wasn't locked. "Come on," she motioned to Finn to follow her in the house.

Finn wandered around the house while following Clarke, letting his eyes looking all around him. Suddenly, he spotted different frames decorating the walls, on which he recognized Wells quite a few times. He had only seen him at school, but they had never really talked before. He also noticed how neat and huge the house was, before his eyes landed on the face of someone he wasn't expecting to see in one of the frames. "Wait, Wells is principal Jaha's son?!"

Clarke raised her brows. "Really, you've never connected the dots?" She paused as she glanced away, before yelling Wells's name all around the house. When she heard no answers, she looked over at Finn. "Would you mind to go check in the basement while I go upstairs? If we both find nothing, let's meet here. Got it?"

"Got it," Finn replied with a nod.

Sunday, 10:15 AM

Finn walked down the stairs leading to the basement, feeling somehow uncomfortable to explore someone else's house he wasn't even friends with. But he figured in times like these, nobody really cared about that. After all he was on a sort of rescue mission, so it's not like he was doing anything wrong.

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