17; you're in my veins

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Monday, 6:47 AM

Clarke opened the door leading to the small cupboard under the stairs, a place she knew to be peaceful, and private. When she was younger, she would often spend hours reading books or drawing underneath the stairs, and her parents eventually let her turn it to her own personal space. She had painted the walls and put fairy lights along the roof, and equipped it with lots of pillows, arts supply and books. It used to be her favourite place in the house, but of course as the years went by, she had lost a bit of interest in it.

Two grown ups could have easily fit in, and it was the closest place she could think of to take Finn with her where they wouldn't have been disturbed; she had noticed the same expression that used to fill his features a few hours after they had met, and she automatically knew something was wrong.

"Get in," she told Finn after she had opened the door, motioning the small room with the help of the candle she had taken with her.

Without questioning, Finn crouched down and carefully entered the cupboard. He sat on the floor on something that felt like a comfy pillow, and as soon as the blonde entered the room as well, the light from her candle only confirmed it. Once the both of them were inside, Clarke closed the door behind them and carefully deposited the candle on top of a shelve her father had built for her a few years ago.

They both sat in silence in front of the other, hugging their knees. She could easily read the questions washing over his face, but instead of immediately answering to his obvious confusion, she let her eyes stare in his, which reflected the flames of the candle. She wasn't exactly sure what she was going to say as it was the first time they found themselves alone since the kiss, but she knew she would eventually come up with something. For now, she wanted to enjoy this gaze and the silence.

"Is this your secret hideout?" Finn asked as he broke the silence, his eyes trailing all over the room. The hint of a smile formed on his lips, but nothing more would show.

Clarke nodded, her lips curving apart lightly.

"I like it," he admitted before gazing down to the floor.

She smiled again as an answer, even though he wasn't looking at her. "Finn?" She asked, her eyes not leaving him. He looked up at her, but remained silence. "What... what happened?" Her question involved everything she had been noticing the past few hours; the dried blood around his fingernails, the obvious changing of subject whenever the conversation came to his little sister, and most of all, the reason of why he looked so miserable all the time. The memories Clarke had of him from school were totally different. Whenever she would see him, he would always be proudly grinning or messing around with his friends, as if nothing would ever bother him. But now, it was almost as if he wasn't the same person anymore.

Finn's heartbeat increased as she asked the question he dreaded, the one he's been avoiding for a long time by now. He trusted Clarke, and he wanted to be helped, but she didn't deserve to bear his problems on her shoulders as well. "I... I can't..." he muttered before feeling his throat tightening and cheeks reddening.

"Hey..." the blonde muttered as she reached out to cover the fists his hands now formed. "Look... whatever happened is destroying you hours after hours, and... I just wanna help you. I can't..." she paused, exhaling softly. "I can't stand watching you being heartbroken like this every time I look at you..."

"W-why?" Finn muttered, tensing softly as he felt her warm hand covering his owns.

"Finn, I care about you." Clarke replied, her eyes intensely staring in his and her brows furrowed lightly. "And to see you being like that... it... it breaks my heart." She truthfully explained, hoping that he would understand. "I want to help you, I really do. But you'll have to tell me what happened, as much as I know you don't wanna think about this anymore. I just know that keeping everything inside, it's... it's not a good remedy."

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