19; no one's aware

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Monday, 8:01 AM

Both Finn and Clarke looked up when they heard Wells's voice nearing the lounge, who was unsurprisingly yelling. "I can't stand this asshole anymore! Someone please chase him away from this house!"

Clarke sighed softly as she glanced back at Finn for a few more seconds, with apologetic eyes. "I'll be right back." She told him, slowly letting go of his hand to get up.

"He can't be coming with us!" Wells exclaimed before motioning to Murphy, who was calmly making his way to one of the couches with a hand ruffling his messy dark brown hair, as if nothing had ever happened.

"Wells, please." Clarke began with a stern look, her eyes not leaving her friend. "I doubt things are going to go back the way they were, so if you could make efforts to cooperate with everyone in here, it would be really appreciated..."

Wells scoffed. "Oh really, you think I'm the one who can't cooperate?"

"Yeah, Wells, why don't you listen to blondie here?" Murphy smirked, crossing his arms.

Clarke sighed, growing annoyed with the new boy. "Are you done calling people by names that aren't theirs?" She knew that Murphy was rather hard to understand, and most of the time she just wanted to chase him away from her house. But he still rescued her and Finn from the dogs without asking anything in return, and that was enough of a proof for her to believe he wasn't completely hopeless yet. But then, after what happened between him and Finn, she started doubting that he could actually change. It made her really upset to see how affected Finn was a few minutes ago, and no matter what Murphy had said, it had been enough to make Finn want to punch him. She wished he could've told her what happened exactly, but she didn't want to be too pushy with him.

Regardless of how satisfied Wells seemed after Clarke's comment, Murphy remained silence and shoved his hands down his pockets, his eyes hovering to the floor before walking over to the couch where Finn sat. Then, he took a seat near him, as if nothing had been happening between the two of them earlier in the kitchen.

With a frown, Finn briefly side glanced to the boy next to him and slowly shifted closer to the opposite end of the couch. Was this another way to try and piss him off? He couldn't know for sure, but he didn't want to find out either; he would try and deal with this later.

"As much as life around here seems to have stopped, time isn't, and we need to leave as soon as possible to follow our plan." The blonde continued when almost everyone had taken a seat on the couches. That's also when she noticed Murphy next to Finn, but she couldn't focus on this quite now. Then, she glanced at everyone else, who all had eyes stuck on her face. "Do we have everything we need? Food, useful equipments, tools, or any other useful objects?"

As the question was asked, Finn got up, remembering that he was the one supposed to pack the food. He didn't mean to forget about this, but after Murphy happened, packing food had sort of completely got out of his mind...

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Clarke asked as soon as she spotted Finn beginning to leave the lounge, her brows furrowing out of confusion. She hesitantly stepped closer to him, in case the reason why he was leaving was personal.

Finn quickly glanced to the others before trailing his eyes on the blonde. "I have food to pack," he shortly answered and without waiting for her to answer, he turned around and continued heading toward the kitchen.

Monday, 8:20 AM

"Are you sure you'll be able to walk on your own?" Clarke sweetly asked after she helped Monty sit up on the couch, her eyes not leaving his. She was a bit concerned about him, and felt like maybe he wasn't being one hundred percent honest about the fact that he wasn't feeling any pain coming from his wounds anymore.

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