23; 'cause i don't think that they'd understand

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[ A/N: Hey guys, I will be mentioning a song that will be playing during a precise moment in this chapter, so if you don't know what the song is, I highly recommend you listen to it! The song is Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners. Happy reading! ]

Monday, 11:50 AM

She didn't even need to look behind her to realize Finn was following; the sound of his sneakers trailing across the asphalt sold it off. She hated the situation, hated the way she had reacted after the intimate moment they had been sharing, hated that he wouldn't speak to her anymore – or to anyone else, as a matter of fact. But she missed him, she missed his voice, the one that used to tell her everything was going to be okay when it felt like there was no more hope.

And she hated herself for breaking his heart, for accusing him of false things and leaving when she should've stayed by his side. She honestly just hoped he would've been able to forgive her, eventually. Because she needed him, and much more that what she would admit to herself.

Monday, 11:54 AM

"Hey, Clarke!" Monty joyfully exclaimed as the blonde made her way into the diner and the kitchen, her hands shoved down her pockets. She looked up and felt her lips curve apart lightly at the sight of the excitement of her friend, and deep down her heart, she couldn't have felt happier to see him alive, and in such a good mood regardless of their current situation. As if nothing could've taken his optimism away. "Lunch is ready, you may take a seat." The asian boy said with some kind of lofty tone, motioning to the pub chairs that were behind the counter, in the restaurant section.

With a bigger smile although slightly forced, Clarke glanced behind her in order to find Finn. But he wasn't there, and she immediately began growing concerned. Quickly, she walked out of the kitchen and let her eyes scan all around her, until she finally spotted him, who sat at a table which was situated in the very end of the room. His head was down, and his arms rested on top of the table. Once again, she could almost have felt her heart shatter in pieces at his destroyed sight, and she feared that soon she wouldn't have been able to recognize him at all.

"Clarke?" Monty's voice suddenly called from behind her. "You coming?"

"Y-Yeah..." she stuttered, swallowing thickly before turning back to face the other boy.

"Guys come here!" Wells's voice suddenly called from the kitchen.

"Aren't you supposed to cook our lunch?" Murphy asked, barely even looking up from the small penknife in his hands as he spoke.

But for once, Wells decided to ignore this comment. Instead, he crouched down in front of his discovery and he waited until Monty and Clarke would arrive.

"What is it?" Monty asked, growing rather curious about what was going on. Clarke closely followed behind, although quite reluctantly.

"I found a CD player!" The dark skinned boy explained as he looked up to his friends, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"And why the fuck are you getting excited over a CD player?" Murphy scoffed, this time shoving his knife down his pocket and jumping off the counter in order to step closer to the others. He crossed his arms as he peeked over Wells's shoulder, while trying not to seem too interested.

"It means music and good time!" Monty said, excitement spreading across his face as well. Then, he kneeled next to Wells and looked through the few CD boxes stacked next to the machine, hoping to find an artist he knew. "Oh! Dexys Midnight Runners, that'll do." He quickly put the CD into the player and pressed play. Several seconds later, they began hearing the first notes of Come On Eileen, which used to be a hit song in the 80s.

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