15; you reflect in this heart of mine

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Monday, 2:57 AM

Clarke led Finn upstairs and to her room, where he could've used her bed. Everything was soaked into darkness for a while until she lighted up two candles which were fixed on a wall, each separated by a couple of inches.

When she turned back to face him, she remembered how not even two days ago, she was standing at the same place in the same room but experiencing totally different feelings toward Finn. But now, she trusted him with her life, and she knew that she couldn't have supported to lose him. She didn't exactly like the feeling, and she hated that she had fallen so quickly for a boy. But there was something different with him than with anyone else; maybe it was the way he cared about her, or simply because of his comforting smile. All she knew was that she couldn't manage to shut down her feelings, and according to the intimate embrace that had been so close of happening between the two them, he couldn't either.

"So... You can use my bed, and if you need anything, I'll be downstairs with the others," she paused when he looked at her with a weak smile, creating her heart to skip a beat. "Is that okay?"

The boy simply nodded as he broke their gaze, turning to look at the bed. Once he sat on it, his fingers slowly ran across the quilt, not taking his eyes away. In all honestly, he was getting slightly anxious about having to find himself alone for the next couple of hours, alone with his guilt and remorses. That's what he felt whenever he found himself alone, but as Clarke had spent the past 10 hours with him, his mind seemed to have found the peace it craved. She had that effect on him, and simply to stare in her eyes could comfort him. Actually, everything about her was comforting. But he was conscious she had other people to help, and right now he was probably not in her main priorities.

Clarke flashed him a smile as she looked down and reluctantly started to head outside her room, slightly disappointed that he wouldn't even talk to her, or allow his eyes to look at her. But then, she heard his voice.

"Hey, Clarke?"

Her lips lightly curved apart as she looked back at him, his brown eyes reflecting the flames from the candles. "Yes?"

"Thank you for everything you did for me." He told her with a small truthful smile, feeling his stomach contract as he observed her pink lips, and craved to feel them on his more than ever. But was it even right for him to feel that way toward the girl he had never even dared talking to for their entire high school? "E-earlier in my house, I mean." His heartbeat had now increased, dreading what would follow next when Clarke would leave.

The blonde acknowledgedly smiled at him once again. "No problem, Finn." And this time, she left the room, leaving him completely alone.

After leaning down on the bed, he stared to the place she last stood at, replaying the way she was saying his name over and over again in his mind. He eventually felt his eyelids getting far too heavier to remain open, and soon found himself asleep.

Monday, 4:46 AM

He saw them everywhere, their red eyes almost eating him out from the distance, and their growls echoing all around him. He was all alone, and fear was overtaking him. The next thing he knew was one of the animals bouncing on him and biting him to the neck. Then, everything went black.

Finn jolted up from his sleep and sat up on the bed, his heart racing across his chest and his wound hurting more now than ever before. His forehead was covered of sweat and he was almost struggling to breath as he recalled the images from his nightmare; he was so glad to be alive. As soon as he calmed down, he balanced his legs off Clarke's bed and sat still on the side of it, letting his eyes wander all around the room. A few but not too many paintings and drawings were hung on the walls, along with some pictures and a huge bookshelf placed against one of the walls, covering it almost entirely. A light small plastered on his lips as he stood and slowly stepped toward it, wanting to see what kind of books she was reading. He enjoyed reading a lot himself, whenever he would find time for that of course. As he got close enough, his eyes scanned the different titles decorating the bindings, his fingers gently running along them.

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