Chapter 1- A Family Reunion

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Ashley's POV

I didn't feel like getting up for school today  so I tried to sleep in alittle longer. I know my mom is up to something because I heard her mumbling to someone on the phone last night about me but I was too tired to care. As I slowly fall back into dreamland I hear a knock on the door. "GO AWAY" I shout at the top of my lungs with the covers over my face. "It's a school day so get up and get dressed now, I've already made you some breakfast so hurry" my mom responds. I shrug and replied, " LOOK WOMAN ALL I HEAR IS IT'S A SCHOOL DAY BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND GO AWAY AND LET ME SLEEP." My mom sighs and I could swear I heard her mumble "I can't wait till tonight" before she walked away but who cares. After sleeping for an hour someone barges in my room and throws cold water on me. I look up and see Alexis and Kiera staring down at me with a smile. I give them the death glare " ARE YOU CRAZY...WHY WOULD YOU THROW WATER ON ME AND WHO EVEN LET YOU IN MY ROOM OR IN MY HOUSE" Lexie smiles and replies, " you're mom was nice enough to call us and tell us you was being lazy again and needed help getting up so here we are now get up because you now got 5 minutes to get dressed" I groan and Kiera says, " besides your mom has a suprise for you when you get home.....but we need to get you to school. the teacher said if you get another F you will have to repeat a grade." I shrug and sighed. "Fine I'll get up now go away geesh and take loud mouth with you" I smirk at Lexie and she throws a pillow at me. They laugh as they walk out my room.

I got out of bed and got dressed in my blue jeans and my favorite white shirt with blue jean jacket. I put my hair in a ponytail and put alittle eyeshadow on and some Sneakers (just in case I need to run) I put on a braclet and grabbed my purse and bookbag and walked out the room. Lexie looks at me and says," about time now lets go already" she grabs my hand as we walk out the door.

As we finally get to school and we go our seperate ways since Lexie and Kiera have the same class and mines is at the end of the hall on the opposite side (lucky me). I drag myself to class and the teacher Mr. Smith aka old geezer who should retire stares at me "Ms. Payne this is the third time this week that you are late" I flop in my seat, put my head on my desk and mumble something and he quickly responds "lift your head up, stand up and say it loud enough for the class to hear if you have something to say Ms Payne." I sighed and stand up " I SAID THIS IS MY THIRD TIME NOT CARING SO BE GRATEFUL I EVEN CAME AT ALL OLD GEEZER AND RETIRE ALREADY WE ALL WANT YOU TO I'M JUST THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS GUTS TO SAY IT" some of the class giggled and some was shouting OOH and that must have made him very furious because his face got red and he pointed to the door " STAND OUT IN THE HALL MS. PAYNE UNTIL CLASS IS OVER" I look at the clock and class wasn't over for 2 more hours " sorry geezer I'm not standing out there for 2 hours" he grabs me by the arm and shouts "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU MS. PAYNE AND MY NAME IS MR. SMITH NOT OLD GEEZER" the class giggles while he continues " I FEEL SORRY FOR YOUR MOTHER THAT HAS TO PUT UP AND DEAL WITH YOU AT HOME NOW GET OUT OF MY CLASS" I yank my arm away and grab my stuff and walk to the door and say loud enough for him and the class to hear, " I feel sorry for your mama too for giving birth to such a douchebag like you" I hear the class burst out laughing while I slam the door shut. I swear the that teacher gets fired or retired I'm throwing a block party ugh.

I put my stuff into my locker and grab my purse ready to walk out the school when I hear my name on the intercom "Ms. Payne please report the the principals office immediately" I get pissed and all i can think in my head is that damn old geezer have nothing better to do than snitch on people. I close my locker and walk into the front office and the secretary pointed me to the office saying that the principal was waiting for me (big suprise there...not) I shrug and walk in the door and the principal says" have a seat Ms. Payne" I look at him and then I see something I was hoping to not see for a long time.


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