Chapter 16- The Talented Princesses

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Ashley's POV

So we are playing Lazer tages and the teams are the partners that have been chosen is the same as the escorting.  Which means Harry was my partner and he's very protective, my brother would be so proud of him. We heard footsteps and we instantly hid someone. We saw Eleanor and Louis slowly looking around while walking by. After they passed us I looked at Harry and he had the same smirk on his face. We both nodded and jumped out and shot Louis. Louis and Eleanor were a bit dramatic I see why they are together, Louis gasping for air pretending he's going to the white light. While Eleanor holds his hand saying she'll never let go. I rolled my eyes and shot her too and she lays ontop of him. Harry and I burst out laughing which we should have NEVER did. it gave away our postition and we got killed  by Kiera and Liam.

I fell to the ground in defeat and Harry got on top of me. we looked in eachothers eyes. I never noticed how beautiful they really were. He drew his head closer and I slowly followed. he was getting closer to me. I could smell his scent and it was amazing. then his lips almost touched mines when Liam grabs him and pulls him off. (really liam? for crying out loud i'm not a child expect me to fall in love). Before I got a chance to say anything Liam holds his hands out and helps me up and says," before I put your life into someone elses hands I want to make sure that you would be safe. Besides I still have alot to learn from you" He smiles. I hug him and I saw dani behind him creeping and I smile," I got a suprise for you" he looks at me," oh really?...what is it?". Dani shoots him and james shoot Kiera and they both look at me and I smile. Liam says," ya know you're very evil when you want to be." we laugh and Niall and lexie shoots Kiera and james while at the same time Zayn and Pierre gets Niall and Lexie. (weird right) Zayn and Pierre high fives eachother

Zayn: oh yea we won


Lexie: we was so close

Niall: second place isn't bad *kisses lexie*

Harry: well at least we wasn't the first to die *hugs me*

Me: *giggles* yep sucks for them *sticks tounge out at Louis*

Louis: I'll get you for this berry

Me: yea yea I heard that before haha

Well that was fun and we're all so energetic I wonder what Lexie is going to choose haha so after we all change from the suits and looked at Lexie. Louis says," where to next Princess Lexie?" She thinks for alittle and smiles. This cannot be good, everytime she smiles it's almost NEVER good at least for me. "Well we are princesses so instead of a ball dance how about a club dance". Everyone high fives her

Louis: princesses the 21 century style....I like it

Liam: me too

Niall: I can't wait to dance with my princess *kisses Lexie's hand*

Harry: Me too *smiles at me*

Me: *puts on a fake smile*

Liam: *chuckles knowing I don't know how to dance* this is gonna be fun.

Everyone changed out of their clothes once more for their club clothes and I must say we was really well dressed. Kiera was wearing her blue jean pants with her black 1D shirt and black boots, Lexie wore her short jean skirt with black high heels and a skin tight shirt that said," He's My Lucky Charm" with a pic of Niall on it (ok she really loves him haha), Dani and I wore our dark blue jean shorts, She wore an England symbol white shirt while I wore my Paris eiffel tower white shirt and we both wore sneakers it's much easier to move in. Lexie and Kiki wore their hair down while me and Dani wore ours in a ponytail and we all wore hoop earrings but different colors Kiki's was red, Lexie's was green (go figure), Dani's was blue, and mines was purple.

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