Chapter 18- Does He Truly Love Me?

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Ashley's POV

The sun woke me and Harry up and we both realized we was still at the park we quickly got up and ran back home and tip toped in. Luckily nobody was up or it would be hard to explain why we was out. Harry walks me to my room and kisses me one last time and we both go to our rooms and to bed. I felt like I was forgetting something but I can't remember. Oh well I'm too tired to think.

I wake up and take a shower and put on some clothes. The boys was in the living room relaxing and I sat next to Harry. Liam looks outside and sees a tea cup," was someone having tea outside?" he points outside on the balcony. that's what I forgot to do...I hope he won't be too mad," sorry Liam it's mines....I had a hard time sleeping and thought of looking at the night sky while drinking tea." I get up to grab the cup but he stops me and smiles," it's ok I'll get it just relax"He goes outside and grabs my cups and takes it to the kitchen and puts it in the sink. The boys have an interview later so the girls will go out to lunch and the boys will meet up with us later. I kiss Harry goodbye before he leaves and Kiera, Lexi, and Dani does the same. James is going with the boys to watch them and give background support haha.

A few minutes after the boys left we got bored quick and decided to have a dance off so we put in which happens to be the boys first album and we start dancing and singing. We quickly turned dancing into pillow fight though. I was starting to win until they all ganged up on me and knocked me down. After we picked up the pillows Kiera's watch beeps," hey the boy's interview is you wanna watch?" we all nod. She turns on the tv and we sat there and Liam smiles and kiera just doesn't take her eyes off him, Everytime he had a close up on the screen she'd blow kisses. the interviewer asked Liam was he still seeing Danielle and he said no he wasn't, He is actually seeing someone who's special to his heart and will introduce her properly when the time is right. Thats my brother and Kiera is now blushing. The interviewer ask Niall who he's seeing and he was pretty bold," I'm dating a fabulous woman right now she's my heaven on earth...I LOVE YOU ALEXIS" we all giggled and she blushed bright red.

He asked Zayn and louis and of course they said they was still with the same person and when they got to Harry he said he couldn't answer that question at the moment and winks at the tv, when he does that the girls in the audience scream. When the intertview was about to end we turn off the tv and grab our coats and purse and head out the door, we're meeting them at Nando's...take a guess who chose that place. When we get there and find a place to sit the boys come in and sit with us but I realise Harry wasn't with them. "Where's Harry?" Me and Dani said at the same time. Louis looks at us," He had to take care of some things he said he won't make it for lunch but will be at home before dinner". Where could he be? I kept wondering in my head what was he doing while eating my food. When we finish we head back home and sit down and watch a movie.

After hours has passed we all get sleepy after all it's near midnight and still no Harry. My brother told me not to worry and to get some rest so I went to bed and layed down but it felt like forever before i could sleep. I was woken by a door shutting in the front room. I looked at the clock and it was 3am. I can tell it was Harry because everyone else was sleep, the footsteps got closer than it fainted and I heard the door shut. He must be in his room. I'm too tired to ask him so I'll ask him why he came home so late tomorrow. Morning finally came and I got up to see if Harry was up but he was already gone. What is going on? I sat down in the living room and we was all watching the news waiting for our favorite show to come on when headlines read "Harry Found Love At Last" and it showed a picture of him KISSING another girl. My heart stopped and I felt like I couldn't breathe, he was cheating on me with another girl who was a background dancer for the band.

Louis turns off the tv and sighs while everybody just stayed silent. they must have not known what to say in a time like this. I feel my body slowly falling apart, so many questions running through my head. Why did he do it? Was I not a good girlfriend? Niall spoke in a soft voice.

Niall: Ashley....I'm so sorry

Ashley: *in a  low voice* it's not your fault Niall

Zayn: are you ok Ash?

Ashley: no i'm not....but I'll be ok *fake smiles and gets up and walks towards the door*

Louis: Ashley....he really did love you

Ashley: If he loved me Louis.....he wouldn't have done that to me....expecially after.....after...*I couldn't even finish tears start flowing down and I fall to my hands and knees*

Liam rushes to me and holds me and picks me up and kisses my forehead," just get some rest sis" he takes me to my room and lay me down and tucks me in," do you want me to stay in here with you?" He's never asked me that before but right now I just want to be alone so I shake my head. He sighs and kisses my forehead one last time and walks out and closes the door. I sat there and cried myself to sleep.

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