Chapter 9- A Special Day For Her

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Kiera's POV

Today was Liam and the boys day off so they wanted to sit back and watch a movie. I sat next to Liam holding his hand and had my head leaning on his shoulder. Lou kept making kissing sounds towards us while the others chuckled. Liam whispers to me," why don't we give them what they want" he smiles and I smile and nod. He leans in and give me the most AMAZING kiss ever. We forgot that it was only to tease them but we got so lost in the moment we forgot anybody was even around us at all until a pillow was thrown at us.

Lou: Get a room love birds *he chuckles*

Liam: *rolls eyes* we have a room we just chose this one

Ashley: Gross.....ok I'm leaving *gets up and walks out*

Me: *giggles* this is very entertaining

Zayn: that's because YOU are the one being entertained *he laughs*

Liam: of course she is....after all she IS my girlfriend

Me: looks down and blush

Niall: I'm so hungry lets go out to eat* sayin the last part to Lexie*

Lexie: yea we got our on love session to do after all *she smiles*

Niall: yes we do * he holds her from behind and kisses her neck then grabs her hand and walks out*

Lou: hey zayn and harry lets go hangout at the mall or park and bring Ash with us cause it's getting toooo lovey dovey in here haha

Harry: great idea I'll go get her *gets up and walks away*

Zayn: yea and I'll go grab my shoes and keys *gets up and walks to room*

After a few minutes they all got ready and was walking out the door and of course lou shouts," don't do anything that I wouldn't do...remember she's still my sis haha" and with that he closed the door and me and Liam was finally alone. He was the first to speak out and break the silence. He takes his hands and put them on my cheek," why don't you get alittle rest, i know everything that has happened exhausted you beautiful" I frown because I didn't want to leave his side even though I was alittle tired but he quickly spoke," don't worry love...I'll still be here waiting for you with you wake up" he kisses me on my forehead and walks me to my room, lays me down, tucks me in, and hugs me then kisses me on my lips," pleasant dreams love" he walks out the room and I can't help but smile. Liam is really the love of my life and I've grown to love him more and more everyday and each minute more i spend with him. My eyes get heavy and slowly close as I get sleepy and everything fades to black.

After a while I was waken they something that smelt good and delicious. I quickly got out of my bed and walked to the door and opened it. I walked down the hall that was leading closer to the smell and towards the end of it I saw the table made for two, candles lit, sparkling wine (non-alcoholic of course since we both don't really drink alcohol), Lasagna on both plates, salad in a bowls beside the plate, breadsticks in the middle of the candles like they would in a resturant, soft music playing, and a chair being held out by my favorite person in the whole world. I smile and at awe with what he's done for me. As I sit down he pushes the seat in for me then sits down across from me. We talked and ate and when we finished he smiles and says," I hope you like it love, I wanted to do something special for you" I blush and look at him," Liam you did all of this for me? this is amazing...I....I don't know what to say" he looks at me," you can start by saying yes" I was confused...what did he mean by that? I look at him and say," Liam what do you..." before I could finish he was on one knee with a beautiful ring. He looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes," Say you will be only mines Kiera.....I want to be the person who will be there for you whenever you call...when you have rainy days I want to be the sun to take it all are the most AMAZING person I've ever met in my life...and I'd love for you to be the woman who bears my future children and grow old together...sharing wonderful memories together....Kiera are a woman of few words but have so much to say. All you have to do is say yes and just wake up and I will take care of the rest because I love you so much baby" I was speechless and in tears by the end. I didn't know what to say, but I knew I wanted to be with him forever. I nodded my head and he quickly gets up and picks me up and spins me around as we laugh together and hold eachother. He sets me down and puts the ring on my finger and kisses me deeply.

He wipes my tears away and put his forehead on mines. the moment was broken quickly when everyone came back but suprising Liam didn't let go or stop. My brother walks through the door first with the guys and Liam walks over to him and says a few things to him that had Lou in a serious face for a while and every once in a while glanced at me. Oh no I think he's telling him about the proposel. Lou took one last long look at me then sighs and back at Liam and smiles and hugs him and I smile. Knowing Liam he asked for my brothers approval and blessings and looks like we got it. Liam calls me over and I walk over next to Liam and Lou grabs me and hugs me and yells," CONGRATS BABY SIS I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU" then his voice lowers as he looks at me serious," remember I'm always here if you need me...always" I smile while nodding and hug him. Lou turns to Liam," take good care of her Liam...because if she ever comes to me crying saying you hurt her then I might have to hurt you" he says smiling. they both know he was joking but at the same time serious. Liam replies," If I ever do than I'd let you because I would have to be a fool to hurt her." I run and hug Liam," baby you are so amazing....if you say anymore I'll end up having to grab a box of tissues" I say laughing and they laugh. After we all calm down everyone else  comes in.

Lou yells," WE'RE GETTING MARRIED" Liam and I burst out laughing.

Niall: You proposed to Eleanor?

Lexie: congrats Lou

Lou: Not me you silly goose

Dani: Then who?

Harry, Dani, Ashley, Lexi, and Niall look at Lou who was just sitting there smiling not even thinking of telling them. haha what a tease he is. Lexie caught on to him not gonna spill and grabbed his carrots and turned on the garbage disposal. that quickly took the smirk off Lou's face.

Lexie: spill now or kiss the carrots goodbye *says while smirking*

Lou: OK OK....just set the carrots down

Lexie: talk first then i will....*she says then sticks out her tongue*

Lou: fine it's Liam and Kiera now give me my carrots

After he said that the guys went to Liam patting him on the back and hugging me saying how excited they was for us. Dani, lexie hugged me and Liam as well. Ashley walks over to me and Liam and hugs us both," congratulations you guys I'm so happy for you" she smiles and walks away. I was happy to get everyones blessings but Ashley, Dani's, Lexie, and Lou's was the main blessings I wanted since Ash and Dani was his sister and Lexie is my childhood friend and Lou was my older brother. Everything seems to be ok and alright. we decided that I can sleep with my fiance as long as we kept it pg haha lou's rule. But that's ok we have our whole lives ahead to make a family, this is only the beginning.

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