Chapter 4- Finding and Bringing Ashley Home

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Liam's POV

we all drove back to my house and luckly Kiera came up with the idea of how to get my mom out the house for a while. We told her we had free movie tickets and didn't want them and just gave them to her. As we pull up mom is already ready to leave so I hand her the tickets and kiss her on the cheek goodbye as she hugs me and drives off. I look at the others when she is out of sight," We have to hurry lets go" We run in the house and to Ashley's room and we search her room for a while and even her secret spots. I see Niall glancing at Lexie and smiling every once in a while. I wonder when he's going to ask her out already we all know he's been secretly crushing on her for a while now. We was about to give up after an hour when we heard Kiera shout," I FOUND SOMETHING..LOOK" we rush to her and she was holding not only Ashley's Diary but her credit account information. I smile and hug her tight she is such a life saver. While i get on the computer Kiera had Lexie read Ashley's diary since she didn't want to invade in her private life.

After awhile information came up that 4 hours ago she a bus to Las Vegas, Nevada. (What is she thinking going there?) I have no time to be upset I have to go get her before someone gets her. It's so like her to choose the one crazy state where people are mostly kidnapped and murdered. Lexie skimmed through her diary not reading it out loud and in some parts she grabbed Kiera and they both got teary. Somethings in that diary that they don't want us to know because Niall and Louis tried to look and they both closed the diary and shook their heads.  I tried to book a flight but the has been canceled for the rest of the week due to the storm coming.

I stand up and  tell them where she is and that I'm going to get her and bring her home. Louis tells me he wants to come with me. Niall, Harry, and Zayn nods and wanted to come along too. I agreed since I knew we'd have a better chance finding her with more people then just me. We agreed that we have to wait till the weather cleared up to find her and the best way to go was driving there. 3 Days later while getting ready to leave Kiera and Lexie wanted to come along too but Louis spoke up before i could," ABSOLUTELY NOT's too dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt. I'd be more at ease knowing you are safe here" She looks at the ground and nods. I walk to her and lift her head up," don't worry we will bring her home and I'll keep your brother and the guys safe" she smiles and hugs me and I hold her and as I pull away I kiss her on the forehead and she blushes and turns bright red. Niall walks to Lexie and tells her to take care of eachother while we are away and she agrees to. He hugs her goodbye and walks out to the car.

Louis looks over and sees Niall eating chicken in the car, he runs and tries to take it but Niall shoves it all in his mouth before spitting on the other pieces he had. he sticks his tounge out at Louis and Kiera comes up behind him and hands him carrots and he jumps up and down and hugs her tight while spinning. She laughs and gives him one last hug as he gets in the car. After we all get in the car and drive off the girls decided they'd sleepover eachothers house till Ashley is home. The whole drive to Nevada was quiet until our song came on the radio this time it was "One Thing" We smile and each sang our parts while I was driving. The song calmed us down remembering the crazy times we had while on tour.

After 3 hours we finally arrived in Las Vegas and I'm impressed the cops didn't stop us as fast as I was driving while driving we saw alot of girls and one looked almost like Ashley but it couldn't be her because the girl was pale and it couldn't be her she'd never stoop that low to sell herself. I kept driving while others continued to look around.

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