Chapter 10- One Huge Disaster

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[A/N: There is profanity and mild violence in this chapter if you don't feel up to it please read the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy it :) ]

Ashley's POV

Today is a new day and I'm so happy for Kiki and my brother. To be honest he's even gotten off my back alot since the announcement of the proposal which means more freedom for me. As I walk in the living room silently everyone was doing their own thing. Liam and kiera was cuddling watching a movie, Niall and Lexie was playing a game trying to cheat looking at eachother's cards when the other wasn't looking (talk about perfect couples) then Zayn and Lou is on a date with Eleanor and Pierre then will go to the store they won't be back for a couple of hours. Dani is talking to her boyfriend from home his name is james and she's deeply in love with him. I'm happy that she's found love. Last but not least Harry is sleeping on the couch. I slowly walk out the door without them noticing and decided to go for a walk. I just needed some air. I'm stuck around boys all day long can you blame me? After walking for awhile I see something that catches my eye. I run towards it to get closer and I see the beautiful sand and the ocean. Not many was here at the beach and those that was, was a good distance from where i was. I took my shoes and socks off and walks around in the sand towards the ocean. soon i felt the water touching my feet, I close my eyes and lift my head to the sky and breath.

I walked deeper in the water when my cell starts to ring from my pocket,  I stop walking and reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone to see my brother calling. I was hesistating to answer till a big wave came and wiped the phone out of my hand and into the water. I sighed knowing my brother is probably gonna freakout and try to find me and then when he does I'm gonna get a lecture then probably be stuck being babysat again. Ugh I can't do this no point in going home now I'm already in trouble. I walk deep in the water and dived in and started going for a swim. I swam deeper and further away from shore, I loved swimming just as much as singing. I feel as one with the water like a mermaid. I rise to the surface and just let the waves take control as I float above the water with my eyes closed. I felt someone watching me so i open my eyes and look around and I see a mysterious boy just staring at me from shore and I don't know why. I look around to see if I'm the only one who sees him but everyone is too busy doing their own thing. I look back at the spot the boy was at and he was gone....weird. Maybe I'm just seeing things.

I close my eyes and as the sunsets and makes it's reflection on the ocean I hear someone shouting my name. I opened my eyes and looked at shore to see a very angry brother with his friends. I completely forgot that he called me and now I have to face not only him but his friends too and this is not going to end well. should I swim to shore or just keep swimming? My decision was cut short and quickly because my brother now not only swimming out here to get me but also Louis and those two are the BEST Athletes and can over swim me. I don't know why but I started to swim further away as quickly as I can I even went underwater and get alittle more speed. I knew if I get caught I knew what the punishment was going to be and I didn't want to face it. I felt someone grab my legs and pull me close and grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the surface. It was Liam and he was furious. I was kicking and splashing water at him but Louis quickly grabbed one should and Liam grabbed the other while they swim back to shore. I put my head underwater thinking maybe I could drown myself before we get to shore. Louis caught on to what i was trying to do and pulled my head up with his free arm.

When our feet touched the ground again Louis let go of me and Liam quickly grabbed me and swung me to face him holding both my shoulders tight.


Me: *I honestly knew it was no point in yelling. I just didn't have the strength and with him this angry has me alittle scared* I....I'm sorry *not even looking at him*

Liam: LOOK AT ME *I'm still looking at the ground* LOOK AT ME DAMMIT

Ashley: *I was on the verge of tears and didn't want to look weak so I did the most stupidest thing I could ever do*  (in a low voice)

Liam: ex...excuse me? what did you just say to me?

Ashley: I SAID NO... CAN YOU HEAR ME THAT TIME OR DO YOU NEED A F.. *I was quickly interrupted by a red sting on my cheek*

Liam: *quickly smacked me before I could finish* THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!! (almost as loud as thunder) ....I'M NOT GOING TO HAVE THAT HERE OR GO TO EASY ON YOU JUST BECAUSE YOUR MY SISTER

Zayn: Liam we better get back....the girls still don't know we found her yet

Louis: *sighs* yea....they're probably freaking out by now

Louis and the others went to the car leaving me and Liam for a minute but he quickly just pulls my arm really tight causing me to flinch alittle. Liam pushes me in the car and sits in the back seat with me in the middle and Niall on the other side. Niall looks disappointed in me while my brother looks like he's ready to snap my neck off. Louis looks fed up while Zayn looks worried. Good thing Harry wasn't with them they told him to stay home and keep the girls safe. they pull up to the place and Niall and Zayn go inside, Liam gets out and "helps" me get out and Louis is on the other side of me. Great they're treating me like I stole something and being sent to jail. We go through the door and Kiki, Lexie, Dani, and Harry run to me talking all at once but Louis calls them off. Liam and Louis take me to the back room and after we all go in they lock the door behind them. Louis sits on a chair and sighs loudly and Liam just looks at me. Louis was the first to break the silence.

Louis: (in a soft voice) Ashley...what where you thinking? what are you trying to prove?

Me: *doesn't look up from ground* ....I....

Liam: (cuts in) that's the problem Lou...she WASN'T thinking

Me: *that pissed me off and I looked at him* OH AND YOU THINK YOU ARE PERFECT TOO


Louis: Ashley lower your voice

Me: *not paying attention to Lou* I CAN RAISE MY VOICE TO ANYBODY I DAMN WELL WANT TO

Liam: *gets closer to my face* This is your last NOT push me

Me: F*&%  YOU LIAM!!!! *I spit on his face and Louis got off the chair grabbing me pulling me away*

Liam: THAT'S IT!!

After an hour or two I was laying on the bed face down in tears and Liam and Louis walk out the room after putting their belts back on. My bottom was so sore I won't be able to sit for the rest of the week. I can hear Liam saying to the other's that either him or Louis has to always be watching me and if they can't they i have to go with them (oh fun). The silent tears keep falling down till they couldn't anymore. I drifted to sleep after a good cry.

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