Chapter 5- Will Someone Find Me?

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Ashley's POV

Well I dug myself deep this time *sighs* I tried to runaway ended up getting caught in human trafficking. .......I feel so week I haven't eatin anything since the morning I left home. The first few days I was against it but the pimp bruised me really bad and I'm too weak to even try to keep fighting him, so I finally gave in. As I was out there with the other girls, I sit there wishing a person would shoot me or run me over and get me out of this nightmare. I honestly have no more tears left to cry anymore and my will to live has gotten shorter. I'm trying to hold on as much as i can. As I thought to myself I sigh and look out to the streets and I swear I saw a car that looked like my brother Liam's, but it couldn't be him because I guess I left on bad terms with everyone expecially my brother so i can't expect everyone or anyone to come save me like some super hero. Ever had those moments where you wish you could rewind and take back anything you did? well I was having those moments. I guy suddenly grabs my wrist taking me out of thought and pushes me in the car with his friends. After a 10 minute drive we end up at a hotel and they tied me up to the bed waiting to have their way with me. I couldn't take this anymore I just couldn't sit there and do nothing anymore, regardless how weak I am I have to try while I'm away from the pimp. While they start to get on me I start to scream on top of my lungs "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPP.....SOMEBOOOOODYYYYY!!!!!!" one of the guys quickly put his hands on my mouth and I bit his hand. He screamed and punched me in the stomach that cause me to throw up alittle and scream in pain. Another guy came with a needle and gave me a shot with something that paralyzed my whole body, I couldn't move my mouth or nothing (I swear when i get out of here I'll make them pay). After 3 hours I was covered with their mess. My body was still paralyzed so i couldn't move, I could move my lips alittle but no voice....what is going on? The boys left the hotel with the door wide open and I hear  them get in the car and drive off. I close my eyes as tears fall down, I didn't want to try anymore I just couldn't. As I was slowly drifting to a deep sleep I hear a familiar voice...telling me "please wake up.....hang in there" but i was too exhausted but I feel my body being lifted up and carried but then everything went black after that.

I woke up in a bed and the room was nothing but white, I honestly thought I was dead finally. I saw a man come in the room and smile at me " I see you're finally awake Ms. have been asleep for 3 days now and your friends have never left the hospital" I give him a confused and questionable look. then I realized I was in the hopstial the worst place to be but better then on the street. The doctor ran a few test on me while i continued to sit there quiet. After he was done he got up and said he would let my visitors in the room. As he left I looked at the ceiling. I didn't know who brought me here and why, as i was brought back out of my thoughts when the door opened Kiera, Lexie, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Harry came through the door. Kiera and Lexie rushed and hugged me on each side and the boys gave me group hugs. I was happy to see them but I just couldn't talk to them I didn't have it in me.

Kiera: Ashley we missed you so much what happened? why did you runaway?

Lexie: why would didn't you come to us we was here for you?

Louis: give her some room to breath you guys...but Ashley don't runaway again you scared your brother and Harry. (I look at Harry who is now sitting next to me then I look sad and to the ground)

Harry: It's ok love *he holds my hand* but please don't ever scare us like that again

Zayn: Yea I'm suppose to be the dramatic one job not yours (that put a smile on my face which made him smile and walk up and hug me)

Kiera: so how come you're not talking Ashley? (I just look down not knowing what to do)

Liam: *walks in* because she can't Kiera....she's locked all her words away so she can't talk to us....*he looks at me with a sad face and soft voice* at least not now.

Louis: so when can she go home? (taking the words practically right out of my mouth...I really should give him an award for knowing what to say haha)

Liam: I talked to the doctor and he said she can today if she feels up to it *and with that they all looked at me and i nod*

Louis: *Jumps up* glad that's settled now you go check her out and I'll take princess here to her carriage *he picks me up and Harry gives him an evil look*

Harry: No Lou I'll carry her *he takes me away from lou and keeps me in his arms* I'll meet you guys in the car

these guys have been acting alittle strange and come to think of it I did see Niall and Lexie holding hands....I'll have to ask...what am i saying I can't ask her...I can't even talk....but I can find a way to get answers.

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