Chapter 6- Will You Come Too?

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Liam's POV

We finally are back home where we all belong, Ashley's in her room resting now she hasn't moved or talked much since she's been awake but Harry has stayed by her side and helped her by making her favorite meals and feeding her. I promise I will NOT let her out of my sight ever again. I shrug in frustration and put my head on my hands while sitting on the couch forgettign Kiera was there with me, she quickly puts her arms around me to comfort me. I swear she is the perfect woman for me. I'm falling for her and praying she is too. I lean my head on her shoulder as she rub my head. "It's gonna be ok we're all here for you Liam" she says. I sigh and reply," Yea but we have to go back on tour soon" i could have just imagined it but she tensed up and sighed...was she sad for me? does she really care for me? I leaned up and took her hands and looked at her in her eyes," Kiera I know I've been back for only a few days but my feelings for you hasn't changed since you came into my I'm saying..." I take a deep breath," Will you be my girlfriend and go on tour with me and the boys?" she looks at me with her mouth open and eyes wide. I can't tell if that's a good or a bad sign. After a few seconds she finally says," Liam I'd love to....but I can't leave Ashley and Lexie....I'd miss them too much" I smile at her,"Don't worry as for as Ashley she's coming with us and I'm sure Niall is already asking Lexie to join us as well at this very moment" I say pointing out the window to Niall and Lexie talking and you see Lexie jumping up and down and running to hug him as he spins her around. I smile to myself knowing he finally asked her out. Kiera sighs and I look at her," how are you gonna get Ashley to agree to go Liam....I mean she can't really respond much to you and she doesn't even want to leave her room much..." I haven't thought about that part that much," I thought I'd talk to her and try to get her to wanting to travel" she looks at me in my eyes," Liam...she doesn't talk at all and she only responds to Harry"

Just then Harry walks down with an empty food tray that her food was on and he's smiling and humming while putting it in the kitchen and washing it. Maybe she would listen to me but just in case maybe i needed a plan b which was Harry, I didn't mind him looking after my sister but I just don't want them getting too close after all she IS my baby sister. I walk to sisters room to find her in her bed laying down in bed sleep. I smile at her and sit next to her on the edge of her bed (I remember I use to do this when she was younger and she asked me to read to her every night) When I put my hand on her arm she immediately woke up and just stared at me not with fear, hurt, love...nothing just emptyness. I wanted to hold her but I guess I'd be pushing it. I look at her," Hey sis I was wonder if you wanted to go on tour with me and the boys...Kiera and Lexie will be coming as well so you will never be alone or lonely i promise" that last part i said softly while holding her hand and a tear falls down my eyes. She looks at me and she moved her hands from me. I thought she was getting uncomfortable with me and that made me alittle sad, but when I was about to get up she takes her hands and wipes the tears. I couldn't help but cry even more because I haven't touched my sister since I smacked her before she ran away. I put my hand on her hand while looking up at her as she looks at me alittle smiling not full but alittle which is enough to know she trust me still. I pull her close and hug her tight and I feel her tense for alittle then relax and hug me back. I had to ask her again maybe she will respond," Ashley would you like to go with me on tour? please say you will go because I really want you to come with me" I pull away and look at her and she looks at me with the blank expression again and shake her head no. why? why didn't she want to go? her friends was going but than again she hasnt talked to anybody but harry of course she leans back in her pillow to lay down and I say something to her I haven't said except before leaving for tour. I stand up and look at her," Je t'aime soeur" which means I Love you sister. After saying that she had a blank expression but tears was falling in her eyes and I smile as I wipe the tears from her eyes and kiss her forehead and when i was about to walk out she grabs my wrist and I turn around and look at her and she nods her head. For a minute it took awhile to sink in what she meant then I asked," you're coming on tour?" she nods and I smile. " I'm glad sis I'll pack your stuff tonight so just rest, besides if you didn't agree to go I'd have to kidnap you and take you anyways" I smile and giggle as she sticks out her tounge at me and I couldn't help but laugh. I hope she has fun while on tour and find her voice. I know Kiera had her modeling at school so I'll see if Eleanor can help give her a job as a model. I haven't been so excited for going back on tour since the first time we left.

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