Chapter 20- A Suprising Reunion

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Ashley's POV

I walked out the door and just kept walking. I didn't know where my feet was taking me but i knew I needed to get out of the place before I exploded. I can't believe what we had was nothing but a lie. he never loved me.  I finally just stopped after calming down and looked around. Oh no I don't know where I am. Great and I left my phone at home maybe I can find a place that has a phone. I look around and I see a boy who I saw at the beach looking at me. Come to think of it I saw him before I left the hospital. He walks to me smiling and reaches out his hands and I look at him suspicious," Trust me i won't hurt you" he grabs my hand softly and starts walking.

we walked for a while and we ended up at the beach but why? I look at him puzzled and he looks at me smiling," swimming usually calms you down doesn't it?" did HE know? I mean I knew he saw me at the beach but it's not like I told him. "come on I know you're a bit stressed and a good swim will calm you down and take your mind off it" I look at him," how did you know all this?"  I asked him and he looks at me," I will answer that soon...but right now lets go for a swim" we run and start splashing eachother and I was getting my mind off Harry which is what I wanted to do. "lets have a race...unless you're afraid you will lose?" he says to me and I look at him and smirk," bring it on" we began to swim to the middle and back and I won. He wasn't too far back he was just a second behind he must be a good swimmer too.

We lay on the sand and he closes his eyes," I remember you use to pretend to be a mermaid when you went swimming" I looked at him. ok i need to know i need to know who he is and how does he know so much about me. This is really creepy how does he know so much about me and where did he come from? I stand up looking worried at him,"Who are you?" He gets up and before he grabs my hand I pull away and he looks at me,"calm down Ashley..I won't.." I interrupt him," How do you know my name?" at this point I'm about to freak out because he knows everything about me. " Ashley....calm down" I look at him ," who are you?" I say stepping back but he grabs my hand and i start to scream but he covers my mouth with his hands," when you was younger you had a best friend who took lessons with you and you was struggling at first but he helped you to keep going. He moved away the day she started high school and he gave her a parting gift to remember her..he said I'll always protect you when you're hurt" this point im in tears.

"...He gave her a gift but she also gave him a gift so they would stay you remember what it was?" he finishes and looks at me and removes his hands looking in my eyes wiping my tears. "......I.....i gave him....a watch with our picture on it" he smiles and kisses my forehead and pulls out the watch that was in his pocket. " do you still have your gift?" he says and I'm standing there in shock and I show him my heart locket that was still on my neck and he smiles. He walks to me and opens it and saw the matching picture that was on his watch.  "AJ is it it really you?" I always called him AJ his real name was Anthony Johnson. "The one and only Ash" he says and I smile and hug him and he picks me up and spins me around and I hold on to his neck and lift up my legs as he spins me. When he sets me down he looks at me," now tell me everything that's going on" he says. We both sit down and I explain everything. By the time I was done he just holds me," so what are you gonna do now?" he asked. I sighed because I might have to do the one thing I was trying to avoid,"I was thinking of going back home". I tell him then I hear my name from behind me," Ashley...are you ok?" I turn and see my brother. How long was he there? I didn't even hear him walking. He looks at me scared and worried. I walk to him and he pulls me towards him and holds me and whispers in my ear," please.......don't leave."

Liam's POV

I ran after Ashley and lost her so I went looking around everywhere for her and still couldn't find her. I took my phone out of my pocket and tried calling but no answer, what is going on? I walk down the street and I see a little girl playing tag with her big brother and I smile remembering the days that was me and my sisters. I promise I won't give up on her and I'm not gonna go home until I find her....but where could she be? I started asking around if they seen my sister and they said they haven't seen her.

I was starting to get discourage and it was almost night time and I still haven't found her. I sigh and then remembered I forgot to try one more place which was the place she loved most. I walked and it was around sunset and I walked to the beach.  As I walk around the beach I see Ashley and some guy sitting down on the sand starring at the ocean. She was explaining everything to him as sat and listened to her. He puts his arms around her and hold her and he asked," so what are you gonna do now" Ashley's gaze went from the ocean to the sand and said in a low voice," I was thinking of going back home". She can't be serious is she? no she can't go home, not after what she's been through and what they put her through. I don't want to see her hit rock bottom again....I can't. " Ashley.....are you ok?" I said as she turns around and sees me. I can't help but look sad starring in her eyes. She walks towards me and when she was close enough I pull her close to me and hold her tight and whisper in her ears to where only she can hear it," Please......don't leave"

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