Chapter 3- She Ranaway?

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Liam's POV

I was so frustrated with Ashley I can't believe she thought she had the right to talk to me like that, but still I was probably a bit too harsh by smacking her...especially after coming home with no contact for a couple years. But what came over her and why is she acting the way she is? I promise I will find out and help my sister if that's the last thing I do. I've been on and off sleeping, I can't really sleep and I look at the time and it's 5:27am. I sighed and got up. Since I can't sleep mine as well get up. I could make breakfast for everyone. I'll probably hang with the guys later after. I'll even buy my sister a gift as an apology. I need to make things right with her especially.

As I go to the kitchen to cook I turn on the radio and turn the volume down to where only I can hear it. I smile as I hear our debut song "what makes you beautiful" come on. Me and guys wrote that song for our sister's. except harry of course and niall they wrote it for their mom. Who knew it'd be so popular! I start cooking while singing along to my part, by the time the song ended I was finished making the eggs, pancakes, toast with a nice glass of orange juice for them.

I walk upstairs to wake them up and I decided to wake Ashley up first. I knew it bugged her to wake up early. I did that alot when she was little but she always forgave me because of the food I cooked for her. I smile at the thought as I knocked on her door but I didn't even get a response..not even a go away. I tried again maybe she didn't hear me the first time. Still nothing...something isn't right. I try to turn the knob but it's locked (she did that alot when we faught but I always knew how to break in) I smile then pull 2 hair clips out of my pocket and with a few twist and turns the door opens. Everything but Ashley herself was in the room. My heart sunk to the floor immediately. I started to panic asking myself where is she? where could she have gone? why would she leave?  I walk around the room hoping to find a clue to where she may be but all I see is a letter. I pick it up and read it.

Dear Whoever,

I decided to runaway to make your lives alittle easier on you and life easy for me so I don't have to deal with you guys anymore. I picked a place I know you won't find me no matter what you do so don't bother looking. If you run out of money there's extra in my jewelry box. All the money I saved up throughout the years. Use it for emergencies only and not for drinking..right mom? Anyways have a happy life and don't bother calling because I left my cell on the bed.


Ranaway? Drinking? What is going on? I look at the bed and she was right her cellphone was there on the bed. I texted Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Niall to meet me at McDonalds in 10 minutes it was urgent and for Louis and Zayn to bring Lexie and Kiera. I grab my keys and leave right away after leaving mom a note saying I left breakfast on the table for her I'm going to be gone for a while. I need to find her....I HAVE to find her. As I get in the car I get a call from the guys telling me there was already there waiting on me (They are the best friends I've ever had) I smile and let them know im on the way.

As I pull up to McDonalds and get out the car they are all standing outside by the door wondering what is going on? I explained the whole situation and showed them the note and kiera was the first to talk after we stayed quiet for a few minutes.

Kiera:  I understand why you did that but she already had enough on her mind so that explains why she ranaway but do you have anythoughts where she would be?

Liam: If I did I would be there now rather than wondering where she is right here *I sigh and sit on the sidewalk*

Lexie: We have to find her as soon as possible there is too many crazy people out there

Louis: The girls are right we need to find her...we have to think like would she do and where would she go?

Niall: *just finishing a whole bag of food* I don't know

Harry: *shrugs* me niether

Kiera: we could try looking in her room together and see if she left any clues behind. After all me and Lexie know her best spots to hide things.

Liam: *smiles at Kiera* that sounds like a great idea

Lexie: and if she doesn't have any clues we could check her records to where she last was within 24 hours.

Niall: *smiles at Lexie* sounds like we got a plan

Liam nods and says," yea but we can't let my mom know, I think something is going on with her that I don't know about" Kiera and Lexie look at eachother. They must know something but right now isn't the time I have to find Ashley and bring her home.

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