Chapter 13- Don't Let Go

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[A/N sorry for the long wait I've been so busy lately but anyways I will try to update when I can the story is already completed i just need to post it haha. While writting this chapter I was listening to Music of my heart by N'sync and Gloria Estafan. I hope you guys will listen to it when they sing it. Enjoy the chapter!!!]

Liam's POV

TWO WEEKS!!! it's been TWO WEEKS and she still hasn't woken up. why? why did I do this to her? the others are in the room with her they have all read her book and now it's my turn and I can't stop shaking. My sister was striving to be perfect but was always living in her twins shadow. she wanted to be in the sunlight but clouds kept rolling in on her. She just needed someone to let her know things will get better and she will be ok. She was so broken and I'm so disgusted with myself for putting her through this. If she WHEN she wakes up I promise to be the BEST damn brother I can be.

Kiera stayed by my side, she really is the perfect girl and I'm glad I have her. Niall and lexie are even more close then ever. this made them realize to cherish the time they do have together. We all agreed to not mention the book because that would probably put her back in here. We want her to tell us herself when she's ready and act suprised even though we would already know. Dani and her boyfriend James (who is now here since he heard what happened and wanted to be by Dani's side) are in the waiting room. We all haven't had a goodnight sleep in a long time. Louis walks out and takes a good look at us and tells us we should go home and get rest and he would call if their is any change in her condition. I was about to argue about that but Kiera just holds my shoulder and agrees.

Harry speaks to Louis on the side and Louis nods a few times and then announce Harry will be staying with him since he did have a thing for Ashley I guess it would be ok. Still I feel like I'm the worst brother ever. We all get in the car and it was a silent drive home and when we got there, they went to their rooms in pairs. Kiera came with me and we fell asleep in eachothers arms.

Louis's POV

I can't believe it's been two weeks...why won't she wake up? I hold her hand on one side and I try to talk to her remembering the crazy times we had as kids, and all the pranks we pulled on others. I saw how everyone was getting exhausted and I knew we wouldn't last another day like this so I walk out and let them know it's ok and to go home and rest. I thought Liam was going to protest but Kiera just held him back and he agreed. Thank goodness for my sister she's so amazing. At the last minute Harry ask if he could stay with me. He wanted to stay and be with her and to keep watch when I fell asleep so there would always be someone watching her no matter what. I agreed since I knew he really cared for her and wanted to be by her side.

I'm holding her hand on one side while Harry is holding her hand on the other. We are both sitting in a chair next to the bed looking at her. She's getting so pale. I remember the song me and her use to sing it was her favorite back in the day. Music of my heart by N'Sync and of course she had Gloria's part and she'd always hit that note. will she hear me if I sing it? it's worth a try.

Me: while looking at Ashley I sing

"you'll never know what you've done for me

what you're faith in me

has done for my soul"

Harry: looks then sings while holding Ashley

"And you'll never know the gift you've given me

I'll carry it with me yea yea"

Me:  " through the days ahead I think of days before"

Harry:  "you made me hope for something better and made me reach for something more"

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