Chapter 7 - The Pefect Twin

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Ashley's POV

We are going on tour today and part of me didn't really want to go to be honest but, i knew my brother wouldn't leave me alone till I agreed. so I just agreed to get it done and over with so i could sleep, but if I knew i had to wake up at 5 o clock in the morning I would have kept saying no. ugh I'm so sleepy I mean not even the birds and roosters are up yet. I stumble as I walk to the tour bus with the others and when we get there everyone claims their beds. there was six bunks and a guest room so the boys claimed their seats and all the girls played paper, rock, scissors to see who would get the last one with the boys. Lexie ended up getting the last one I sighed a relief because it seems like my brother is always and i mean ALWAYS watching me whenever Kiera wasn't around him to distract him. Kiera and I shared the guest room which I was ok with even though I was still not talking but I did write what I wanted to say to her. Since it was still early we all went to bed.

After a couple of hours of sleeping I got up and took a shower and put some clothes on. I looked around the room to see Kiera wasn't in the room so she must have woken up earlier and I guess so did the other boys since i hear them laughing and talking in the other room. I smile and grab a book from my bag and lay against the wall on my bed and read. After a couple of minutes I hear a knock on the door me being me just kept quick and just kept reading because I knew if it was Kiera or Lexie they would just walk in and not knock (a bad habit we had). Liam walks in the room and sits on the edge of the bed and looks at me while I'm still reading.

Liam: Ashley I need you to come to the living room we are going to have a group meeting about the rules and what to expect while on tour. (He can not be serious can he?)

I just put my bookmark in my book and walk past him to the living room with him following me. Everyone is there and the boys get up and greet me with a hug except Harry who threw in a kiss on the cheek as well. I look at the ground and blush little but had to hurry and hide it since my brother was behind me. Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Niall sat on the couch and Lexie sat on Niall's lap (so adorable). Me and Kiera sat on the ground she was sitting infront of her brother while i was infront of Harry.

Liam starts talking about the rules and how he expects for us to be on her best behavior and to be violent or cuss at eachother, to treat others with respect."If the rules are broken their will be a consequence...if a girl breaks the rules the older brother takes responsibility to handle it, if the guys break the rules they decide who takes responsibility to handle it and punish them" he says. Great and I thought he wasn't uptight enough sighs. "Also keep things PG while on tour because the paparazzi will get the wrong idea and managment will never let us live it down" he says while looking at us but mostly Lexie. The boys nods in agreement "Also we do NOT let Niall do the shopping..."

Lexie interupts "How come?"

Louis and Zayn burst into laughter

Liam looks at her and says,"....because he only buys junk food and eats it all"

Harry adds," yea and it never last us that long either" Nudging Niall

Niall blushes and Lexie holds him and while laughing.

Liam's POV

After talking to everyone about the rules Ashley looked really irritated but I have to remind her she's not here for a vacation. As I walk to my room and flopped on my bed I get a call from my mother who's still home.

Liam: Hey mom how are you?

Mom: Hey sweetie! I'm fine but I have big news for you?

Liam: Big news? like what (what's going on? hopefully everything is ok there)

Mom: Everything is fine here sweetie so relax *giggles*

Liams: (I chuckle and smile..she knows me too well) ok you got me what's the big news?

Mom: well Liam your sister Danielle is coming home today from school she just graduated.

(OMG Dani is coming home today I haven't seen her since before I left for the tour, She's Ashley's twin but she's so much better in behavior wise.)


Mom: *while laughing* yes she's coming home and she wanted to see you and Ashley but I explained you just left for tour...

Liam: *sighed*.....yea we left this morning (I wished we stayed an extra day now)

Mom: I told her that I wanted to catch up for a day and then I will send her on the plane to the next city you guys are heading to and maybe she can join you guys on tour?


Mom: I figured that but let your friends and Ashley know ok and I'll keep you on the update and let you know when she leaves.

Liam:  ok thanks mom I love you

Mom: Love you too sweetie

After we hung up I could help but smile. I immidiately got up and asked everyone to meet in the living room again. Once everyone was ther I told them that Dani is back in town and she will be joining us on tour in a few days. Everyone was excited and talking at once going over the memories growing up with Dani. Everyone but Ashley though, who sat there quiet she didn't even smile or anything. As she was getting up to walk to her room I pulled her to the side. but she quickly yanked her hand and walked to her room and shut the door.

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