Chapter 2- It's My Life Not Yours

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Ashley's POV

The Principal looks at me as he ask me to sit down again and pointed to the seat next to my very upset brother Liam Payne who's not even looking at me yet. I roll my eyes " sorry but I have to get back to class" as I was reaching for the knob on the door Liam says in his calm but irritated voice, " Ashley sit down.....NOW". This time he was looking at me. I was alittle scared but didn't show it and kept my brave face on and just flopped on the chair not even looking at Liam. I just looked out the window I was just irritated and wanted to leave. Liam sighs and looks back at the principal. I had to sit there for 2 hours while he sat there and told my brother everything and i mean EVERYTHING including the recent cussing out a teacher and Liam occasionally glanced at me with anger, hurt, and the worst...disappointment. The principal told Liam that I was suspended for a month. I thought it was unfair but as i stood to say something Liam grabs my arm and looks at the principal," Thank you so much" he shakes the principals hand and continues"...I promise she will come back a better student". I shrugged it off.  He honestly think HE can change me? don't make me laugh he can't do anything to me.

Liam grabs me by the wrist and pulls me out the office and out the school. He takes me to his car and puts me in the passenger seat. After he gets in the car and slams his door I figured he'd give me a lecture the entire way home, but instead he remained silent which scared the hell out of me even more. After we finally pulled up to the house I hurry and get out the car and run to open the door and when I was about to run upstairs to my room Liam grabs my arm and pulls me to the living room and pushes me on the couch and shouts" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU HAVE NEVER ACTED LIKE THIS SO WHY START?" I rolled my eyes keeping slient hoping he'd just go away and leave me alone but instead he steps closer, " WHEN I ASK A QUESTION YOU BETTER ANSWER.....NOW WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS?"  I got irritated this was the last straw and the last thing i needed. I wasn't going to let him talk to me like this after no contact for 2 years. I stood up and got in his face," IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT I DO WITH MY LIFE NOW LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" the next thing I know was there was a loud echo in the room and a hand print on my cheek and a mad Liam. "go to your room I'm so disgusted with you I can't even look at you right now" he says while glaring at me. I felt tears was trying to come down so I run upstairs to my room and slam the door and lock it and lay down on my bed face down and just cried for an hour till I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I wake up and everyone is sleep. I walk to my desk and write a letter than pack a few clothes and climb out the window. As I walked down the road to the bus stop. I sat there for 20 minutes as the bus came. I got on the bus on my way to a place I know they would never look and find me. I was going to Las Vegas, Nevada. I'm going to make a new start with my life and hopefully I won't be found. As I get off the bus a guy grabs me and throws me in the van and I hit something. I try to look around to see where I am but everything was fuzzy until it went black.

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