Chapter 17 -A Promise From The Past

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Ashley's POV

Ir's been an amazing day for all of us and we was enjoying the dinner Harry cooked for us, I offered to help but he wouldn't let me. After awhile and everyone was finished and we cleaned everything up, we changed immediately haha that's how bad I really didn't like wearing dresses. Then they look at me and Harry says," Princess Ashley I believe it's your turn to choose our final place for the day". I smile and hold out blindfolds and hand them to everyone. after everyone puts them on I led them to the van that I will be driving. They sat in the back seat and Niall and Louis making noise pretending to be blind. I drove slow so that way when I did stop they would hardly tell. I finally got there and pulled at the parking lot of it. I helped everyone out of the car and after everyone was out I told them to take their blindfolds off.  they all yell at the same time" THE BEACH" they run in the sand towards the ocean and i got their at sunset. which was the exact time we made the promise.

We all splash eachother and running and chasing eachother. While Pierre and Zayn stayed on the sand the others went swimming . Me and Kiki found some seashells and even a starfish. We loved to swim so much we used to come here all the time. Liam decides to play music from the van loud enough to where we can hear it and we all danced. Kiki and Liam  danced close to the shore while Zayn and Pierre danced in the sand, Niall and Lexie danced  in the water,Dani and James was spinning in circles on shore while Louis and Eleanor got lost in eachothers eyes, me and Harry was dancing and I was mixing some of my moves with ballet moves I learned when he lifts me up and on the final move I got lost in the moment and let everything take control and was twirling and when i stop he lifts me up gracefully. When we was all exhausted we sat by the shore watching the last piece of the sun reflect in the ocean.

Liam: Great choice Ash I knew I could count on you

Zayn: I haven't been here in ages

Niall: Yea....seemed so long ago

Kiki: yea it's been too long

Harry: and at a perfect time too

Louis: *looks at the ocean* I think I know why she chose this place (everyone looks at him but me)

Dani: why?

Louis: *smiles* because of the promise we made at this very beach.....we promised we would come back here when all our dreams came was an oath to work hard for what we believed in

Liam: that's right and it was around this time too....I remember we always came here after the girls would be exhausted from their practice or rehearsal.

Zayn: ....and the last day coming here was the day before the auditions of x factor (they all look at me)

Louis: you knew exactly what you was doing...didn't you berry?

Me: *I smile while looking at the ocean* brings back memories doesn't it

Niall: Wait does that mean everyone's dreams came true:

Liam: well ours did to become singers and well known *the other boys nod*

Kiki: I became a makeup artist for professional so I say my dreams did come true....*smiles* plus I'm engaged to the love of my life

Dani: I'm a Fashion designer and I really enjoy doing what I I'm happy with my boyfriend..*kisses his lips*

Lexie: I'm a teachers helper and I love to teach...I enjoy doing it and was reunited with my first love *Niall blushes*

Harry: what about you Ashley? *everyone looks at me*

Me: ....I always longed to feel like I belonged and now not only I was reunited with my brother but I found people who really loves me for me and is very patient with me even when I go crazy....a boyfriend who would do anything for me....I didn't want to love at first because it was too painful to but I found so much joy just being here with dream was for someone to love me has finally came true because I know everyone here truly does love me. *tears falling from eyes*

Louis: you bet we do berry *everyone gets up and hugs me*

Today has been the best and most magical day ever I had in my life and I feel this is only the beginning to where it begins, we all have hard times but we pull eachother back up and keep moving forward and thats what truly counts in the end.

Liam's POV

We had a blast and when Ashley took us to the beach it was so much fun and relaxing and then we all remembered the promise we made and who'd thought Ashley would be the one to bring us all back there where it all began, I really am so proud of her. Hearing her dreams made me want to just keep holding her and not let go, most of us wants to be famous or buy things but not her she just wanted to be loved. I drove us all back home and I see all the girls have fallen asleep with smiles on their faces which makes me happy, the boys achieved their goals to make them smile and dream well.

When we got back home I lifted up kiera bride style with her head on my chest, Harry, James, and Niall did the same with Ashley, Dani, and Lexie. Pierre and Eleanor went to the airport with Zayn and Louis, the girls have to go back to work but promised to see us again soon. After putting the girls to bed we changed and went to bed ourselves. I decided to read alittle before bed though so i went to the living room and sat down and read a book. My eyes withdrew from the pages when Zayn came back and he looked tired. He waved at me saying he was headed to bed. After awhile Louis comes in while i was getting ready to head to bed and louis went to bed too. It's been a long but amazing day I'm looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings for all of us expecially my queen. I fell asleep with a smile. I couldn't be more happier with my life.

Ashley POV

I woke up in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, I was wide awake for some reason and decided to make me some hot lemon tea and sat in the balcony just looking at the stars. The images from what happened today just ran though my head and I couldn't help but smile. I sat there sipping my hot tea smiling then I heard someone open the balcony door behind me. I turn around to see and saw Harry and he grabs my tea and sets it down and takes my hand," come with me there's something I want to show you" he says smiling and with that he takes my hand and we walk out the door and he leads me to a park where there was a blanket and we sat there," so....why are we here?" I say smiling. He doesn't respond he just points up.

When I look up I see beautiful stars shining so bright  and before I could blink I saw a few shooting not stars it was a metor shower but it was such a beautiful sight. This was the most romantic thing anybody has ever done for me. I look at him and he starts kissing me on my mouth and then works his way to my neck. I love him he knows my spots without me saying or even thinking. I just gave in to him and he kisses me one last time and looks at me," are you sure?" I smile and nod and under the starry sky he took me and I had my first passionate love.

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