Chapter 11- Please don't run from me

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[A/N: In The next Chapter you will learn why Ashley acts the way she does. Hope you guys enjoy]

Ashley's POV

As I wake up the next day I see a cup on the night stand. I lift my head to see what it was and saw that it was tea, Then from the corner of my eye I saw someone sitting in the chair in the corner. I quickly gazed over there to see Louis sitting on the chair reading. He looks up at me and smiles alittle," I brought you some tea...I knew it was your favorite drink so please drink it" he says in a low voice to where only i could hear. I shake my head, he sets the book down and gets up and walks over to me," why are you so stubborn?...what made you like this?" he reaches to touch my face but i pull back. He looks down and kneels by the bed to where he's eye level to me," I'm sorry about yesterday but you did get out of hand yesterday.....but don't lock your words again at least not to me Ash". That had me looking at him in his eyes, this is honestly the longest he's been so serious. He reaches and touches my hand and rubs it," I promise Ash I'm here when you need a friend, brother, protecter, or even a laugh." I smile alittle at the last one that causes Lou to smile," that a girl now why don't we get a wittle straw for Ashy" (in a baby mocking voice) I rolled my eyes and giggled and grabbed the cup of tea and sat up.

Louis pushes me aside and sat next to me. everytime i tried to drink my tea he would try and steal a drink. I would push him or turn away and drink really quick. he wrapped his arms around me he grabbed a book near him and started reading it. After awhile I was asleep again and he lays me down and wraps me up.

Louis POV

I was quietly reading a magazine till I heard movement from Ash's bed, I decided to glance up and she looks at me with those pain in her eyes. Damn what the hell happened to her that made her change this much? I was still feeling sorry about yesterday so i made her a sweet tea which is her favorite drink. I try to strike a conversation with her so I say in a low voice to her," I brought you some tea...I knew it was your favorite drink so please drink it" She shakes her head no. why is she being like this? I sat the magazine on the floor and walk to her," why are you so stubborn?...what made you like this?" I reach out to try and put my hand on her face but she pushes herself back. Is she really that scared of me? I look at her then kneel down on the floor to where our eyes was on the same level. I want her to feel comfortable and not keep everything inside and to herself. I look at her while she looks at me," I'm sorry about yesterday but you did get out of hand yesterday.....but don't lock your words again at least not to me Ash". I said in a low voice. Me and Ash has always had a special brother/sister bond since we was younger. I touch her hands and rub them letting her know it's going to be ok.

while rubbing her hand still I look at her and say," I promise Ash I'm here when you need a friend, brother, protecter, or even a laugh." she knew what I meant too and that made her smile. I feel like I haven't seen her true smile in forever so I smile with her," that a girl now why don't we get a wittle straw for Ashy" (in a baby mocking voice i did) she rolls her eyes at me and giggles which causes me to smile more big and she grabs her cup and sits up. I took the chance and pushed her aside so i can sit next to her on the bed, everytime she tried to take a drink I tried to steal one. She  noticed so she would always turn her head or push me away before she drinks. I see Ashley getting alittle sleepy again which thats what tea does to her. I wrap my arms around her after taking the cup and placing it on the nightstand and grabbing the nearest book. After the first few sentence I read to her she was already sleeping. I laughed to myself and got up and layed her down and tucked her in. I looked at the book and wonder why it was so different from her others . I check to see who's the author seeing if it may have been a well known or an old author.

There was non at the front which i thought was weird and I just noticed their wasn't even a title on this book or a cover it was more or less just typed papers. I flipped to the back to where a describtion about the book and author should or would be and my eyes get wide. it read: "This story is based on a true story of none other than the life of Ashley Payne and her Journey." she wrote this? and her life story is in her.....This is what i needed, this was going to explain to me what happened to her. I took her tea and book and left the room quietly. This book is what I needed and I hope it had the truth to everything in it. I put the book in my room and walk out and to the kitchen to put the cup up. I walk over to Liam and asked if he could watch Ashley for a couple of days there was things I had to take care of," sure I'll look after her, is everything ok?" I respond," yea I just got to look for a gift for Eleanor...her birthday is coming up soon" he nods," ok just take your cell with you just incase an emergency comes up." I smile," I will Li just take care of Ash" I went to my room and grabbed the book and the keys to my car and walked out the door. I drove to the park and parked my car. it's a good thing it's still morning because I'm going to read this book until night fall and not going to stop till I finish.

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