Chapter 14- A Song For Her

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Liam's POV

I was laying in bed sleeping next to my fiance (I love the sound of that I can't wait to call her my wife) she was holding me while sleeping. My cell goes off and wakes both of us up. I was hesitating to get it because I can't deal with more bad news. I finally decided to pick up and it was Harry telling me what I've been longing to hear. Ashley's finally awake. He said she went back to sleep but because she was tired and should be up again soon. I let him know we are on the way. I hang up the phone and quickly get dressed. I let Kiera know what happened and she was excited she runs out in the hall and shouts "ASHLEY'S AWAKE YOU GUYS" honestly I've never seen so many people wake up and go to the hall so fast. they looked at me unsure and I give a nod and told them to get dressed we're leaving ASAP.

After a few minutes we was all in the car wondering was she really awake or was they seeing things. I was also wondering what should I say to her. I mean she probably feels I hate her (which kinda depressed me) I don't know what to say to her because the last time we talk was on bad terms. She probably don't want to have anything to do with me. "Don't worry she forgives" Kiki says to me like she was reading my mind. I can't help but smile after that. She's right and besides I need to make it up to her.

We finally arrive at the hospital and we rush to the room ignoring the nurse and all went in there. Ashley was laying there sleep. Louis and Harry was wide awake and beside her holding her hand. I was wondering if I should ask but lexie beat me to it.

Lexie: I thought she was awake?

Louis: she was but she was tired so she went back to sleep

Dani: Didn't she get enough rest

Harry: *giggles* you'd think she did but it kinda tires people because they don't know they're sleeping

Kiera: *in a low voice* do you think she'll wake back up?

That question had everybody go silent because we was all wondering if she would wake up again or ever. Louis was the first to talk again

Louis: I'm sure she will...I believe in should too sis (Kiera nods her head)

just then there was movement from Ashley we all turned to her and Louis and Harry smiles and just like he said she woke up again. She opened her eyes and looked at us.

Harry: Ash the nurse said you get to go home today...are you excited?

she doesn't smile or say anything she just looks at the ground like she's ashamed of herself and that broke me. I couldn't take it nomore. I walked out the room and Kiera rushed after me.

Kiera: Why did you leave?

Me: I can't look at her without feeling broken myself so I'm going to go check her out and pull up the car...but I need you to do something for me...

Kiera: what is it Liam?

Me: I need you to let the guys know we have a concert to do tonight and if they can try to get Ashley to come we can do a certain song for her and dedicate it to her

Kiera: sure I'd love to and that's so sweet...what song?

Me: *in a low voice* you will see * I smile and kiss her on the forehead and walk to the office*

Ashley's POV

I wake up seeing so many people in my room. I've never felt so umcomfortable in my life and I lost my train of thought when Louis asked me if I was excited to go home? when he said that word so many memories came across my mind. Just then Liam walks out the room, he looked alittle upset. I guess he still is upset with me. I look and the ground forgetting people was in the room. "whats wrong?" Niall asked looking alittle worried. I look up and put on a fake smile and reply," Nothing's wrong" him and the others look at me uncertain but left it at that. Wow this is the first time they didn't push me to tell them. Kiera walks back in and whispers something to her brother's ear and his smile widens and he nods then looks at me. uh oh this can't be good, what is he planning, he knows the rules no dirty tricks if a persons injured. haha ok I made that up. Kiera and the other boys talk amoungst themselves while Louis talks to me.

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