Chapter 8- Finding My Words

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Ashley's POV

It's been a 5  days and my twin sister has been staying with us for a while. I've been speaking alittle but not as much just because I don't really care. I haven't really spoke to anybody or been out the room mostly I've been left alone. The boys are at rehearsals and Kiera, Dani, and Lexie went with them to cheer them on. I stayed behind at the house we stayed at. They are finally trusting me to be alone which I'm glad because I hate being babysat haha. I walked to the music room and I sat in front of the baby grand white piano and I played a few notes then I smile remembering the song I use to sing Butterfly by Mariah Carey. I started playing the notes then the words came and I started singing

when you love someone so deeply they become your life

it's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside

blindly I imaged I could keep you under glass

now I understand to hold you

I must open up my hands and watch you rise

spread your wings and prepare to fly

for you have become a butterfly

oh fly abandonedly into the sun

if you should return to me

we truly were meant to be

so-oh spread your wings and fly


I have learned that beauty has to flourish in the light

wild horses run unbridled or their spirit dies

you have given me the courage to be all that I can

and I truly feel you heart

I will lead you back to me when you're ready to land

spread your wings and prepare to fly

for you have become a butterfly

oh fly abandonedly into the sun

if you should return to me

we truly were meant to be

so-oh spread your wings and fly


Hey-ay I can't pretend these tears aren't overflowing steadily

I can't prevent this hurt from almost overtaking me

but I will stand and say goodbye

for you'll never be mine

until you know the way it feels to fly

spread your wings and prepare to fly

for you have become a butterfly

oh fly abandonedly into the sun

if you should return to me

we truly were meant to be

so-oh spread your wings and fly


spread your wings and prepare to fly

for you have become a butterfly

oh fly abandonedly into the sun

if you should return to me

we truly were meant to be

so-oh spread your wings and fly


 So flutter through the sky


*piano solo*


spread your wings and fly


the minute I was done heard people clapping and cheering. I looked up and saw Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, Lexie, Kiera, and Dani standing in front of the door looking at me cheering. I looked back down at the keys.



Louis: THAT'S THE GIRL I GREW UP WITH *he laughs* GLAD TO HAVE YA BACK GIRLY *he slaps my back*

I stayed silent for a while feeling so uncomfortable and I guess the others noticed it too because they haven't taken their eyes off me nor left. Liam starts to walk closer to me and I immidiately get up and which causes him to stop walking. I don't even both looking up i just want to get out. As I walk towards the door a hand grabs my arm and stops me. Then in a sad and faint voice,"Ashley.... to us if something's bothering you....we can't read your mind" said Zayn, "...yea and you can't read ours" said Niall. that made me smile and chuckle alittle. Then Lou came in front of me and smiled and yells," GROUP HUG" my eyes get wide and I try to run but he grabs me and lifts me up and as he sets me down I'm getting squished in a huge group hug and after that i can't help but laugh these guys are just amazing. Lou shouts," LADIES AND GENTLEMAN WE HAVE A SMILE" him and the others laugh while i slightly push him. After they calm down Liam says," Hey I got an idea!!! *he turns to me and smiles* "why don't you come to our concert tonight Ash?"  Niall adds," That's right she still hasn't been to our concert yet", Lou looks at me," that's right....and that's very...very rude young lady. you have five guys and one with the best style and you don't go to their concert" I smile and roll my eyes and respond," well Harry does have good taste doesn't he" everyone burst out laughing while Lou jaw drops and holds his heart pretending to be hurt.

I just stick out my tounge at him and harry walks to me and hugs," I love this girl so much" I blushed alittle while Liam snatches me away," no you don't...I do" as he hugs me I just smile and roll my eyes. Niall jumps on my back, " nope I love her more" i look at Niall who's smiling and waving at me. Lou says," OH i wanna get on her back" my eyes get wide and I hold onto Niall's legs and make a run for it not looking back.

After we lost them I set Niall down and we was both laughing so hard we fell on the ground. Niall looks at me and smiles," so will you be going to the concert tonight?" I look into his eyes trying to find a reason to say no but honesty today has been a good day so why not," ok...I'll go" he hugs me tight and i hear lou shout from behind me," SHE FINALLY SAID SHE'D GO YOU GUYS" I lightly hit lou and he looks at he smiling," why are you always hitting me little girl" he picks me up hugging me tight and whispers," it's nice to have you back little berry" wow he still remembers the nickname he use to call me when we was younger!! that suprised me alot. He originally gave that nickname because I eat anything that's berries like strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, etc you name it and I'd make a sky rocket drink out of it or eat it. I smile and reply," glad to be back big carrot" now it's pretty obvious why he got that name, he just LOVES carrots.

One time I played a joke on him while the other boys was gone saying all the carrots are gone and they stopped selling them at the store. He quickly got up and was freaking out. I held my laugh in until Liam came home and had to shake him really good saying the store still sold carrots and he just bought some. Lou promised to get me back since that day but hasn't, I wonder if he still remembers? I don't know if I should remind him or not or just secretly keep my guard up. Harry walks up to me smiling and takes my hand and kisses my cheek after making sure my older brother wasn't in the hallway and whispers," I hope to hear you sing more in the future...maybe to our future kids." I blushed so red and I knew he saw because he chuckled and hugged me and then went back to the boys. These boys are gonna either drive me insane or actually help me...either way I feel it's going to be a very long road ahead.

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