Chapter 23- Cherishing The Little Things

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Liam's POV

We watched as Ashley's plane left and we stared until it was no longer in sight then we walked to the car and got in and sighed. The entire drive home everyone was silent and when we got home we all sat in the living room deep in thought. I was hoping Ashley was going to be ok but I was more hoping she would've changed her mind before getting on the plane. It's too late now I just hope she will call when the plane lands and if she ever needs us. Louis broke the silent," Hey why don't we watch a movie? ya know pop some popcorn, grab some drinks, pick a good movie and sit back" I replied," That's a good idea guys choose a movie I'll grab some snacks" I get up and head to the kichen and I hear them arguing on which movie to watch. After grabbing the popcorn and cooking it I put it in a large bowl then grab a few cups and a large lemonade pitcher. As I was pouring lemonade in the last glass my phone goes off and I saw it was Ashley so I quickly answered," Hello?" there wasn't a response I hear mom and bruce then the phone out of nowhere disconnects. I thought she might have been in a bad area so I called again and the phone ring at all. This is NOT good. I run to the living room and tell everyone what just happened.

Louis: DAMMIT *punches wall*

Zayn: I knew this was a bad idea

Dani: we have to save her

Kiera: and fast

Niall: yea who know's what they'll do to her

Liam: that's what I'm afraid of *in a low but loud enough to hear voice*

I grab the keys and we rush to the airport to get a plane ticket to find out that all the planes have been delayed due to bad weather that is coming, I'm pacing back and forth trying to keep calm. why...why would this happen and at the worst times? JI should have told her not to go. what are we going to do. "we could stay and wait till the sky clears Liam" Dani says. I Look at her confused then realized I said the last part out loud by accident. the flight attendent walks to us after talking to a few other people and they leave," excuse me but I have to ask you to leave for your safety due to weather. If you leave a number I will contact you when the sky clears and we are back on schedule" Louis ask her before I could say anything," and how long do you think it will be?" she looks at us worried and says," it may take 4 to 5 days" I shouted," 4 TO 5 DAYS???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Kiera pulls me to the side and calms me down," it's ok Liam when we can we will be back and we'll work twice as hard to find her" I nod to kiera and hug her while she hugs me. we walk back to everyone and louis was just giving her the house number. We walk towards the car and drive home.

Harry finds a tape in his dresser and he rushes to us saying it's from Ashley and we all agreed to watch it so harry puts it in while we sat back and watched it then Ashley's face appeared on the screen she looks up at the camera, smile and say," Harry...I wanted you to know the I really feel about you......I know things have been rocky between us but ....I believe if you truly love someone you overlook the flaws, stand by their side through the bad times, and cherish the good times. Even though I haven't said much to you I really have cherished every moment I got to spend with you ......I really do love you and all your little things.....I dedicate this song  to you"  she looks down at the keys and stay playing a melody and not just any melody it's her original song she promised.


When I look into your eyes

it's watching the night sky

or a beautiful sunrise

there's so much they hold

And just like them old stars

I see that you've come so far

to be right where you are

how old is your soul?

I won't give up on us

even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

and when you're needing your space

to do some navigating

I'll be here patiently waiting

to see what you find

cause even the stars they burn

some even fall to the earth

we've got a lot to learn

god knows we're worth it

no i won't give up

I wooooon't give uuuup

i won't give up

no I won't give uuuuuuuuup

I won't give up on us

even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

I won't give up

god knows i'm tough enough

we've got alot to learn

god knows we're worth it

I won't give up on us

even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

*plays the ending cords*

She Smiles and blew a kiss at the camera before it ended  and we all still look at the screen next to our girlfriends leaning on us with tears in our eyes. Harry's tears are like a waterfall he cried the minute he heard her voice. When she sung it brought back memories when we caught her singing and Louis demanded her to sing another song. I smile just thinking of all the crazy times we had I start to laugh alittle. "What's so funny Li?" Kiera asked and everyone was looking at me curious waiting for an answer. " I was just remembering the times we had with her like....Like when we first heard her sing and Louis tried to get her to sing another song" I replied and everyone giggles and louis adds," Hey it worked didn't it" and we all laugh more. Lexi says" haha remember when we performed for the boys and all their jaws dropped to the floor....that was a priceless moment even Ash agreed" we laughed and nodded our heads and Niall says," well love you all was very sexy up there" this makes lexie blush and Niall holds her from behind and kisses her neck.


It's been a week now and we all sat by the phone watching tv trying to kill time before we all went crazy. We watched a movie and argued what to watch till Louis puts in Titanic. Me and Kiera was sitting there mocking the entire movie while Niall, Zayn Lexie was laughing at us. Kiera is such a good actor she deserves to a gold for it because she's brilliant. the movie finally goes off and the weather was on talking about how the thunderstorm we are suppose to get may turn into flash flood.  Then before commercial they said (A Girl found brutally beatin and raped repeatedly till near death was rushed to the emergency room more info tonight at 9) they showed a picture of the girl before she was beatin and it was Ashley. "A....Ashley?" Dani says in a low voice and the rest of us stays silent. My heart broke knowing we was too late to help her. No it can't be we have to go and get her and bring her back.

 I grabbed my keys and the others must have had the same idea because they grabbed their coats and jacket and followed me to the car. We was all more determined than anything to get to her I just hope she hangs on till we get her...I know she can. She was always longing for findind someone to love as well as to love her and end the end I hope it's the love we have for her that keeps her holding on to life because this is going to be the longest drive I ever have done in my life. I don't have time to wait for the plane we have to move and move now!!!

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